"Ah!! My hand!!"

The cheeky man let out a scream, his eyes were full of horror as he looked at his **** wrist.

At this time, Lin Tan also took this opportunity to withdraw the long whip, and gave a whip to the wound on the man's cheek.

This time, it is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire...

Hearing a ‘pop’, the cheeky man’s entire face flushed suddenly, his heart-piercing pain, and his body kept running wild.

Seeing this scene, the warriors in the restaurant watching the excitement all looked at the back of the crowd with surprise, Yang Zilei, who was still sitting at the table.

"Curious special weapon spirit!"

"What is the origin of that young man?"

Everyone was secretly surprised, looking at the bazooka martial arts spirit that appeared above Yang Zilei's body, all feeling shocked.

Lin Tan and Li Hu also turned their heads and looked at Yang Zilei in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the man on the cheeks in the later stage of the spiritual vein realm was so easily abolished by a palm, it was terrifying!

"Asshole, dare to attack me!"

The cheeky man hurriedly took a blood pill from the storage and swallowed it, stopped the blood from the wound, then stared at Yang Zilei with bitter eyes, and said furiously: "I will kill you!"


When the voice fell, his body's spiritual power surged wildly, and the martial spirit phantom of a black giant bear suddenly appeared, exuding a fierce and manic aura fluctuation!

The giant bear's martial spirit instantly enveloped the man's body, the bear's paw replaced his broken palm, and then rushed towards Yang Zi Leistorm.

The group of thugs next to him was also fighting fiercely with Lin Tan and Li Hu.

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, the desert eagle in his hand suddenly disappeared, replaced by a Gatling machine gun, and directly pulled the trigger.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The deafening sound of machine guns immediately shook the entire restaurant, and the dense bullets combined with the guns of the bazooka Wuhun, all shot at the cheek man.

A while ago, even Luo Yuankai in the late stage of the Spiritual Pill Realm could hardly resist under this blast, not to mention that he was a man with only the Spiritual Realm in his cultivation.

Therefore, in just a few breaths, the battle is over.

But seeing the giant bear martial soul, instantly collapsed and disappeared by the bullets of the Gatling machine gun and bazooka, while the cheeky man fell to the ground covered in blood, that riddled body did not survive at all. may.


Seeing this, the crowd watching the crowd around him couldn't help but take a breath, all looking at the amazing Gatling gun with horror.

"Brother Qiang is dead, hurry...Run away!!"

The group of thugs from the Wing Lung Chamber of Commerce branch were undoubtedly shocked at this moment. When they saw the tragic death of the cheeky man, they immediately fled in fright.

When one of the bald thugs ran away, he took off the storage ring on the left palm of the corpse. However, when he was about to leave, he was shot off the foot by Yang Zilei's bazooka martial arts, and suddenly fell to the ground screaming and groaning.

"It's okay to run, but it won't work if I take my spoils." A cold arc appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth.

"This...this is the mineral purchased by our Yonglong firm."

The bald thug was obviously extremely loyal, holding the storage ring tightly in his palm, and said tremblingly: "The people from the headquarters will come to receive the goods tomorrow, and they must not be lost."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's expression was cold, "Then when you just wanted to grab my goods, why were you so confident?"

After speaking, Yang Zilei flashed a flash of cold light in his eyes, shot the opponent directly, and took away the storage ring.

Immediately following his mind swept in quickly, Yang Zilei's face suddenly filled with a touch of surprise.

Because he found that the space in the storage ring was obviously much wider and was divided into two storage spaces, one for storing personal belongings and the other for storing purchased minerals.

That mountain of minerals, at least a million catties!

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