For Yang Zilei at this time, this windfall was undoubtedly like a pie falling from the sky.

Right now, Yang Zilei's mind moved slightly, swallowing all the metal in the storage ring.

"Ding, the conversion was successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 786,000 enhancement points."

Yang Zilei immediately checked the system’s enhanced value [796,000+]

It is far beyond the 660,000 strengthening points he needs to sell the Fourth Prince Yanchen.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Yang Zilei entered the system store and selected 1,000 Bison submachine guns and 1,000 grenades.

"Ding, congratulations on the successful exchange. All arms have been put into the system backpack space, and the strengthening point is -660,000."

"The test host will redeem a share of more than 500,000 strengthening points for the first time and will be rewarded with a free lucky draw opportunity. Is it a lucky draw?"


Yang Zilei moved his mind and immediately issued instructions without hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing a single-soldier shoulder-mounted bazooka, which has been put into the system backpack space."

After a few breaths of silence, when Yang Zilei heard the result of his lottery, his eyes widened suddenly.

Having seen many war movies in his previous life, he naturally knew how terrifying the power of this weapon.

The single-soldier shoulder-launched rocket launcher is a kind of anti-aircraft missile weapon, which is easy to carry. Once the enemy is found, the soldier can shoot while carrying it on his shoulder. It only takes a few seconds to switch from the marching state to the combat state.

Yang Zilei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Although the current system mall cannot unlock more high-end weapons and weapons series, this free lottery offers wonderful benefits.

Fortunately, the ammunition of the mall does not require permission.

Yang Zilei found that as long as he possessed a weapon, he would unlock the corresponding type of ammunition.

This point undoubtedly solved Yang Zilei's worries, otherwise once the bullets were exhausted, there would be a useless empty shell.

However, the price of shells is much more expensive than guns and bullets.

The exchange price of a bazooka shell is 1000 strengthening points, which is equivalent to the price of three May 4 pistols!

Yang Zilei couldn't help but stunned secretly, but he was also pleasantly surprised.

He had already awakened the Bazooka Martial Spirit before, and now the bazooka he got in the lottery, combined with the two, is more powerful!

"What happened to that guy?"

"Are you too excited to kill for the first time?!"

Seeing Yang Zilei standing silently, the expression on his face was quite wonderful, and the surrounding crowd started talking in surprise.

As for the two corpses on the ground, everyone did not react at all. In the City of Chaos, people fight every day. The corpses are often seen, and it is not surprising.

Lin Tan came over and asked Yang Zilei carefully, "Boss Yang, are you okay?"

Yang Zilei also exited the system mall at this time, then looked at Lin Tan and the others, smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you for coming forward just now."

"I should thank you."

Lin Tan's delicate face was a little bit shy. If Yang Zilei hadn't taken a shot just now, her body would have been thinned by the cheeky man.

While speaking, Lin Tan also looked at Yang Zilei curiously, feeling that the latter's strength was even deeper than she had imagined.

Especially the kind of peculiar weapon just now, and the weird spirit of martial arts, unexpectedly killed a martial artist in the later stage of the spirit vein realm easily.

She thinks that Yang Zilei is not old and has such a powerful strength. Generally, he is not a genius young master from a big family force, or a disciple of the Wufu Palace.

"Is he a member of Cangqiong Wufu?"

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Tan's eyes flashed with surprise, and the look in Yang Zilei's eyes became brighter.

If this is the case, then those who were considered accomplices just now would not be afraid of being retaliated by Wing Lung Commercial Bank.

"I will finish the matter as soon as I arrive, and the next time is just enough to go to Cangqiong Wufu to see Chenchen."

Yang Zilei didn't know the many thoughts that came up in the heart of the woman next to him, so he walked out of the restaurant's gate while thinking.

"Boss Yang, wait a minute, if you still need to purchase minerals in the future? In the City of Chaos, our Canghu Gang is willing to serve you."

Lin Tan immediately chased it out, intending to close the cooperative relationship with Yang Zilei.

Yang Zilei's heart moved slightly when Lin Tan took the initiative to help pull the supply of goods for himself, and he already had some thoughts.

Only by devouring metal can it be converted into a strengthening point, which means that he will often need to come to Chaos City to buy minerals in the future, and it is troublesome to come and go.

If you train this little beauty to be your assistant in the City of Chaos, it should save a lot of effort.

"it is good."

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Tan in front of him and said: "I will come here every once in a while. If you are willing to be my assistant in the City of Chaos, the task is to help me acquire what I need every time. How about a remuneration of ten thousand taels of gold for the quantity?"

Ten thousand taels? !

Upon hearing this, Lin Tan's pupils shrank slightly.

All members of the Canghu Gang, every time they venture out to mine, it takes several months. Just like the 120,000 catties of profound iron sold to Yang Zilei this time, it took two months of energy. A gang member was killed and eaten by a beast, and the danger was unimaginable.

But in the end, he received a reward of more than 100,000 yuan. With the hundreds of members of the Canghu Gang, everyone shared it, and there was not much.

However, now, Yang Zilei's remuneration is 10,000 taels of gold each time, and his work is easy and free, which undoubtedly makes Lin Tan a little excited.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( fantasy: the opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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