
Lin Tan's eyes lit up and immediately drank the drink in the cup.

In the next second, Lin Tanton felt that there was a peculiar energy flowing in his body, and the hidden wounds left over from previous exercises and fighting with the beasts were instantly healed.


Lin Tan stared at her beautiful eyes, with a light of surprise flashing in her eyes.

"Miss, how is the effect?" Li Hu hurriedly asked curiously.

"The effect is very good!"

Lin Tan's face flushed, and excitedly ordered: "Quickly, flush all these elixir for everyone to eat immediately."

Seeing Lin Tan's excited expression, Li Hu and others felt that there was something to play, and they immediately got busy.

Not long after, the disabled members of the Canghu Gang were all called in and gathered in the yard, and each drank a glass.

Next, a magical scene happened.

But seeing the injured parts of their bodies, their flesh and blood slowly squirmed, and they began to grow out of the original incomplete limbs.

"Look, I... my hands have grown out!!"

"The sky is up, I didn't think I would have a chance to stand up!"

Suddenly, surprises sounded in the courtyard.

Especially those members of the Canghu Gang with broken legs, with tears on their faces, they jumped with excitement, like a new life.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tan, Li Hu and others were stunned, their eyes were full of shock!

"Thank you, Boss Yang, for his reinvention. From now on, our life is yours and we will do our best!"

All of a sudden, those Canghu Gang members who recovered from their injuries knelt on one knee to Yang Zilei, showing their loyalty.

Seeing that the people in the gang were all loyal to Yang Zilei, instead of being jealous at all in Lin Tan's heart, he felt increasingly mysterious and powerful towards the former.

The Canghu Gang was stunned by such a powerful master, and in the future to survive in the City of Chaos, it would no longer be as difficult as before.

"It's just a small effort, get up."

Yang Zilei nodded with a humble smile. He didn't expect that this kind of act unexpectedly gathered the Canghu Gang.

The 1500 strengthening points have played a great role.

"Boss Yang, we just heard that you will always buy Xuan Tie, Miss. In the future, as much as you want, even if you speak, we will definitely handle it for you.

"Yes, even if the acquisition is not possible, we will desperately seek mining in the mountains outside."

For a time, the members of the Canghu Gang enthusiastically gathered around Yang Zilei and regarded him as a great benefactor.

"Okay, thank you so much..."

But at this moment, Yang Zilei hadn't finished speaking, and the ground under his feet trembled suddenly, like an earthquake, shaking more and more severely.



Immediately afterwards, a series of fierce roars of beasts also came from afar.

The entire city of chaos became trembling under this sound.

Yang Zilei was startled slightly, raised his eyes to look at the distant sky, listening to the direction of his voice, it should be outside the city.

"No, beast tide!"

Lin Tan, Li Hu and others' complexions changed drastically, and they were obviously no strangers to this movement.

"What kind of animal tide?" Yang Zilei frowned, questioning.

A dignified look flickered across Lin Tan's eyes, "The tide of beasts can be said to be an extremely terrifying disaster for us humans. The fierce beasts below the fifth level of the Michuan Mountains, for some reason, will have violent emotions every once in a while. Countless fierce beasts gathered together to destroy all creatures that were not of the fierce beast type."

"Before the city of chaos was not built, fierce beasts would go to the outside town to attack humans, but then there was a city of chaos, which undoubtedly became their target for venting. The time of each beast wave formation is uncertain. At half a year, or two years..."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was slightly surprised. He could not think that the fierce beast had such an out-of-control side. It is no wonder that the walls of the City of Chaos are all made of metal, with amazing defenses.

Otherwise, just relying on the stone brick walls, I am afraid that the violent group of beasts will collapse in a few seconds.

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