
Not long after, there was a strong and loud horn in the city.

Obviously, the chaos has entered a state where the whole city is full of soldiers!

Suddenly, all the warriors in the city, looking horrified, put down their work, took out their weapons, and crowds flooded the walls in all directions.



At this moment, above the chaotic city, a large group of fierce beasts of birds and huge black shadows hovered in the sky and enveloped the entire city.

Yang Zilei raised his eyes to look at the night sky and swallowed secretly.

This luck is too tragic, right? Just when I came to Chaos, I encountered the beast tide!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for randomly triggering a system task, do you receive it? 】

At this moment, the electronically synthesized sound of the system sounded in my mind.

Yang Zilei's heart moved, and he could not imagine that there would be tasks to take in such a critical moment.

Immediately he said silently: "Get it."

In the next second, a light curtain panel that only Yang Zilei could see suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Random mission start: protect the chaotic city. 】

[Objective: Assist the residents of the Chaos City to repel the beast tide, take this opportunity to increase their reputation and build personal influence. 】

[Reward: 100,000 enhancement points, a zoom remote control and ten zoom frisbees. 】

[Failure penalty: deduct 100,000 strengthening points]

Looking at the task rewards in the light screen message, Yang Zilei suddenly became agitated.

One hundred thousand strengthening points, for the wealth he has now, is not painful.

The most important thing is the zoom remote control and Frisbee that the Ant-Man suits.

Its function is that when the flying disc is attached to the object, it can be controlled by the remote control to change the size of the object.

Although the ant-man uniform can be shrunk to the size of an ant, it cannot use any weapons. In combat, except for some usefulness for avoiding attacks, the others are tasteless.

And if you have this zoom remote control and Frisbee, it will undoubtedly solve the shortcomings of the past, you can reduce the weapon to the corresponding magnification, and enhance the combat power!

Yang Zilei also let out a long sigh. It seems that no matter how difficult the task is, it must be completed.

"Let's get out!"

Looking at the birds and beasts hovering above, Lin Tan's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately shouted.

The members of the Canghu Gang have all honed in the Michuan Mountains. Seeing a large number of flying beasts arrive, they can still remain calm at the moment.

At the moment, they all drew out their weapons, and condensed a body guard aura on their bodies, and then surrounded Yang Zilei and walked out of the mansion quickly.

Walking on the street where the crowd panicked, Yang Zilei looked up at the sky.

But at this time, there are many flying beasts above the chaotic city, not only the pterodactyl with sharp claws, but also the two-winged flying tiger.

There are also five-level fierce beasts such as Thunder-winged Lion and Purple-eyed Fire Eagle.

The entire chaotic city seemed to be completely plunged into the doomsday, filled with a tense and terrifying atmosphere.

However, the residents of the city didn't know that the flying beasts that came first now were only a small number, because the land beasts were the most numerous.

As for speed, the speed of the ground beast is slower than the flying beast.

Therefore, the flying beasts were the first to arrive in this wave of beasts.


Yang Zilei and the others were running on the street at this time. Due to the attack of the flying beasts, there was already a chaos here. Many people were fighting with the beasts, screaming constantly.


Suddenly, a wind-winged bird rushed down suddenly and appeared beside a member of the Canghu Gang at the back of Yang Zilei's team, with a mouth full of teeth, and it directly smashed his head in one bite.

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