"Little Eight is dead! Bastard!!"

Seeing that his gang companion was attacked and killed, Li Hu roared furiously, rushed towards him with a knife and slashed over.

However, the wind-wing bird was extremely fast, and before the long knife cut it, it suddenly rushed up with the corpse with its big mouth.

"Can't let it take Xiaoba's body!"

With a ‘pop’ of the long whip in Lin Tan’s hand, it turned into a red shadow and rushed up, and at the moment when the wind-wing bird flew, the end of the whip suddenly wrapped around the bird’s legs.

However, the wind-wing bird's huge body is not small in strength, and while its wings are shaking, it drags Lin Tan's body into the air.

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, the rocket launcher flashed out, and he slid on his shoulders and pulled the trigger directly at the wind-wing bird above.


Suddenly, a large cannonball blasted out.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening explosion sounded in amazement, but the sky above was filled with flames, and the wind-wing bird of the fourth-level fierce beast level was directly blown to the blood and fell.


The heavy sound of the landing made the members of the Canghu Gang and the warriors on the street tremble, and their eyes looked at Yang Zilei in shock.

And everyone's eyes were focused on the rocket launcher carried on Yang Zilei's shoulders, and his eyes were full of horror.

It is hard to imagine that this seemingly ordinary iron pipe has such a terrifying power!

"It's worthy of a bazooka, it's really powerful."

A satisfied smile appeared on Yang Zilei's face.

Without the use of martial arts, even Tier 3 fierce beasts could not withstand the damage of a rocket launcher.

But the only drawback is that the rocket launcher can only hold one shell at a time, which somewhat affects the attack speed.

"Ding, successfully exchanged ten bazooka shells, which have been put into the system backpack space, with a strengthening point of -10000,"

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei exchanged ten cannonballs from the system mall as an unexpected need.

Then he put away the bazooka, replaced it with an enhanced version of the Gatling gun, and began to shoot at the sky above the area.

Above that, there were five wind-winged birds circling and flying, staring at Yang Zilei and the others, trying to attack.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, loud and dense machine guns shook the entire street.

Under the display of the talented skill positioning and tracking, the bullet rain that burst out suddenly brought a chilly energy fluctuation, and it accurately and accurately shot at the five wind-wing birds.


A sharp scream sounded, and in an instant, two wind-winged birds were shot, covered in blood, and fell.

Although the other wind-wing birds used sharp claws and wings to resist, and suffered only minor injuries, they were all scared to flee here.

Suddenly, the sky above Yang Zilei and the others was considered to be within a safe range, but other areas were still in deep waters, and screams often sounded.

"Boss Yang, your weapon is so powerful!"

Lin Tan and others looked at Yang Zilei in surprise, excited.

Unexpectedly, in just a few breaths, they shot and killed two wind-winged birds and drove away the remaining flying beasts. It was a magic weapon!

"We hurried to the city wall to support, and the beast tide arrived in a while. If the city wall is broken, we will all suffer."

Feeling the growing movement of the ground shaking, Yang Zilei looked solemnly in the direction of the city wall.

His task is to protect the chaotic city, so he must not allow the beasts outside the city to fall in!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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