"Flying fierce beasts are fast, and swords can hardly hurt them."

After Yang Zilei finished speaking, he waved his hand and took out 356 AK47s from the system space according to the number of members of the Canghu Gang.

Originally, these guns were intended to be sold to the fourth prince Yanchen, but the current situation and system tasks can only be used.

It also happened to take this opportunity to truly form his personal power.

"Boss Yang, these are?" Lin Tan asked with a look of surprise.

"This is called the AK47 rifle. Each of you takes one. The operation method is very simple. Aim at the target and then flip the switch. I will show it to you."

While speaking, Yang Zilei quickly lifted an AK47, then aimed at the wall next to him and pulled the trigger.

Immediately, only a ‘bang’ shot was heard, and the burst of bullets instantly shot the wall through a small hole.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tan and the members of the Canghu Gang suddenly flashed their eyes. If you have this kind of long-range attack killer in your hand, you will not be afraid of those flying beasts along the way to the city wall.

"Also, this is a magazine holder. Each is equipped with three magazines. The bullets can be replaced quickly when they run out."

While talking, Yang Zilei manipulated how to exchange gun magazines.

All those present are martial artists, who can practice all kinds of complicated martial arts, not to mention the use of these simple firearms.

For a time, all members of the Canghu Gang were equipped with AK47s, which looked like a low-profile special forces unit.

"Remember, don't shoot randomly."

After that, Yang Zilei moved his body and ran towards the nearest city wall in the west of the city, following the dragon shadow footwork of the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art.

In the rear, Lin Tan, Li Hu, and more than 300 members of the Canghu Gang, also carrying AK47s, followed Yang Zilei's figure and ran wildly.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"



Along the way, where Yang Zilei and his party passed, gunshots continued to sound.

But all those flying fierce beasts that wanted to rush down and attack would be shot in riddles, and they would rush through unimpededly all the way.

The warriors on the street saw Yang Zilei and the others, holding their AK47s to raise their heads and shooting. Although the actions looked a little weird, the power was amazing, and they shocked the birds and beasts away.

For a time, those warriors were surprised in their hearts, and they gathered towards Yang Zilei's team and ran towards the city wall together.

And Yang Zilei's team lineup is also rapidly expanding.

After a while, Yang Zilei finally arrived at the city wall, but saw that in the wide aisle on the wall, many martial arts experts had already gathered, and they were waiting.

At this time, in the dense forest outside the city, thick dust has begun to rise, and the roar of the beast is getting closer and closer. At a glance, thousands of giant fierce beasts are rushing rushing forward.

"This time the beast tide is more than before!"

On the metal walls of the City of Chaos, the complexions of the strong men who were preparing to defend and resist became very ugly.

However, the people living in the chaotic city are not incompetent. Although they were shocked by this scene, they did not show any panic.

In the beast tide, running at the forefront is a dense pack of tens of thousands of wolves, rushing towards the city wall quickly.

The wolves of tens of thousands of Tier 3 fierce beasts rushed in a collective manner. That terrible scale, just a glance, was enough to make people fearful.

"Many beasts."

Yang Zilei stood on the city wall and cast his gaze into the distance. He was truly shocked as he watched the huge beast wave that was about to rush to the chaotic city not far away.

It’s hard to imagine that this is just the outer area of ​​the Michuan Mountains, and there are so many fierce beasts.

"That's... the sixth-level fierce beast!"

Yang Zilei stared slightly, looking towards the back of the beast tide, only to see a dozen giant beasts gathered there, exuding a monstrous violent air!

"Thunder and lightning mad bear, blood-eyed demon ape, violent groundbreaker, purple flame dragon and lion..."

Yang Zilei looked surprised. Didn't it mean that the beast tide only has the level five beasts, how come so many level six beasts suddenly appeared? !

Such high-level fierce beasts generally live in the depths of the Michuan Mountains, have their own domains, and disdain to walk around the mountains.

Unexpectedly, more than a dozen beasts appeared in this tide of beasts, and their strength is equivalent to the peak power of the stars in the human world!

At this time, the warriors on the wall also noticed the dozen or so high-level fierce beasts, and they were completely dumbfounded.

If it is a fierce beast below level 5, even if there are a large number, they may still be able to resist, but the appearance of a fierce beast at level 6 is far beyond the range of most people's strength.

It can only be hoped that in the chaotic city, there are some strong stars in the star realm.

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