"It's a bit troublesome now, this beast tide is not the small scale that I have encountered before,"

Lin Tanliu frowned, and his face solemnly said, "Moreover, if there are more than a dozen fifth-level fierce beasts that can't resist, the city may be destroyed.

Li Hu, the surrounding Canghu Gang members also nodded, a trace of horror passed in their eyes.

If the city wall is breached, they will undoubtedly lose the last protective barrier. Facing this number of terrifying beasts, even the martial arts powerhouse at the peak of the star realm, it may not be easy to get out.

"Don't panic everyone!"

At this moment, several tyrannical auras burst out on the wall.

Then there will be a huge group of forces appearing on the city wall, and the vigorous shouts echoed in everyone's ears.

"With our Azure Dragon Gang sitting in this city, the mere beast tide is nothing at all!"

A strong bald man whose strength has reached the pinnacle of the star realm, glanced sharply at the people on the city wall, and shouted proudly.

"As long as you listen to our Azure Dragon Gang's command and drive, this disaster will surely be resolved!!"

As soon as the voice of the bald strong man fell, some warriors soon responded.

Although the Azure Dragon Gang usually dominates the chaotic city and collects high protection fees overbearingly, at this moment, there is such a strong star in the star realm, as well as the other six early star realm masters in the gang, which can be considered to be able to deal with those five levels. Fierce beast.

Seeing that no one opposes the reputation of the Azure Dragon Gang, those in the Star Realm of the Azure Dragon Gang are also proud of their eyes, and then they spread out with their troops, each guarding an area of ​​the city wall, like a commander in power.

"Hmph, when will the Azure Dragon Gang be so kind, I guess they must take this opportunity to increase their reputation and rule the entire city of chaos!"

Lin Tan looked at one of the branches of the Azure Dragon Gang that flew towards them, coldly snorted with a dark expression.

"Boss Yang, the Azure Dragon Gang used to be the enemy of our Canghu Gang. Since the death of the Lin Gang leader, we have often suppressed our gang."

Li Hu whispered to Yang Zilei: "Let's stay away and don't stand with them."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei nodded, not wanting to cause too many conflicts on this knot, and then moved to the rear quietly with many members of the Canghu Gang.

After a while, the tens of thousands of wolves in the front had already rushed under the city wall.



The iron-hard wolf head slammed into the wall, and suddenly made a heavy impact.

The entire city wall vibrated violently. Fortunately, the materials were all made from the strongest Chenjin smelted building. Despite this terrible impact, it was still strong, only leaving shallow dents on the wall.

However, these wolves beasts are obviously smart and have a strong sense of teamwork. Knowing that the city wall is high, they are actually stepping on the beast body, overlapping each other, intending to climb the city wall.

Whoops whoops——!

At the same time, in their mouths, in the condensing of the spirit power of the wind system, they also shot out wind blades and shot up.


Suddenly, the warriors on the city wall roared to arouse the martial soul.

In the violent burst of brilliant light of spiritual power, martial arts offensive burst out suddenly.

I saw countless sword auras, sword lights, and arrows, all with vigorous spiritual power fluctuations, smashing violently towards the wolves below, directly smashing some of the wind wolves in the front into pieces.

However, although the offensive on the wall was fierce, the tide of beasts seemed to be endless, flowing continuously.

Almost in a blink of an eye, a large number of fierce beasts slammed into the metal wall.

The heavy sound of ‘dong dong’ seemed to hit everyone’s heart, causing everyone’s breathing to stop slightly.

Although waves of fierce beasts were beheaded, the **** smell that permeated the air stimulated the fierce beasts under the city wall, making them more violent and bloodthirsty.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

At this moment, crimson giant spiders appeared in the beast tide. They climbed and bounced on the city wall at an extremely amazing crawl speed.

Finally, when he reached the top edge of the city wall, he opened the big fangs, and bit at the warriors on the city wall.

For a time, screams sounded one after another.

In the area of ​​the city wall where Yang Zilei and the others were located, there were also more than a hundred giant spiders climbing up at this moment.

But soon, they were quickly shot and killed with the AK47.

The speed of cleaning the fierce beast was undoubtedly many times faster than that of other areas.

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