"Helper, those five-level fierce beasts have gathered on the city wall in the northwest area, what should I do?!"

A Qinglong Gang's hall master hurriedly asked'Liu Yuan' who was full of flesh and blood next to him.

The main force of their Azure Dragon Gang, with the strongest warriors in the city at this time, is guarding at the gate of the city.

Hearing this, Liu Yuan's eyes darkened, but immediately he sneered: "It's okay. Let others be cannon fodder first. It doesn't matter to us whether the casualties are serious. We will lose the physical strength of those level five beasts in a while. To settle things down is not only easy, but also increases the reputation of our Azure Dragon Gang."

"The leader is wise."

Hearing Liu Yuan's stern words, the strong eyes of the Azure Dragon Gang brightened, and they quickly complimented.

Under the coercion of the Azure Dragon Gang, the warriors guarding the gate of the city could only silence the author, and no one dared to defy Liu Yuan and the others.

"Li Hu, bring all the brothers from the Canghu Gang."

Seeing that the city wall in the southwest was gradually being occupied by fierce beasts, Yang Zilei frowned slightly, and after giving a command, he cast Long Yingbu and quickly went there.


Li Hu and others concentrated their heads and immediately followed.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

As they arrived, Yang Zilei and the others immediately started shooting with guns, and in the blink of an eye, they shot all the fierce beasts that had rushed to the barrier of the city wall.

Especially Yang Zilei’s Gatling machine gun, which itself possesses powerful power, and the ice armor giant python beast core that synthesizes the fourth-level fierce beast, the lethality is even more terrible. Wherever the bullet rains, the fierce beast is covered with blood. Slumped to the ground.

After a while, this area of ​​the city wall that was about to fall was temporarily relieved of the crisis.

However, when the next greater crisis came, there were a dozen fierce beasts under the city wall!


A fierce and violent beast roar sounded, but the blood-eyed demon ape raised a thick fist and slammed it against the metal wall.


The thick city wall shook violently suddenly, and there was an unlucky warrior who was just standing on the edge, and his feet were unstable and fell directly.

Another fifth-level fierce beast, the violent earth-splitting tiger, with bloodthirsty eyes, instantly locked the fallen figure, and immediately exerted force under its feet, and the majestic animal body leaped up violently.

In the next moment, the violent ground tiger's huge mouth full of white fangs bit the hapless warrior in one bite, like eating a sausage, two or three bites are to eat it into the belly, and the internal organs and intestines that fell on the ground are Be eaten by the surrounding low-level beasts.

The **** scene was heart palpitating.

Upon seeing this, the eyes of the many warriors on the city wall tightened, and they hurriedly backed away, no one dared to face the dozens of fierce Level 5 beasts.

"Concentrate the firepower and bomb them!"

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took out all the remaining two hundred grenades.

Then they greeted Li Hu, everyone picked up the grenade and threw them down at the dozens of level five beasts below.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

For a while, thrilling explosions sounded one after another under the city wall, and dust splashed.

The dozen or so fifth-level fierce beasts were rough and thick-skinned, and they couldn't stand the violent bombardment, roaring with bruises.

When the violent earth-splitting tiger opened its mouth and roared, a grenade dropped by Yang Zilei fell into its mouth.


With the detonation, the huge head was instantly blown out in half, and an ocher crystal beast core flew out.

Under such fierce firepower bombing, the dozens of fifth-level fierce beasts were so fierce as they were when they attacked the city, and they fled in fright.

And as the leading level 5 fierce beasts withdrew from the field, this tide of beasts gradually ended. After countless fierce beasts poured their violent emotions into their bodies, they returned to the dense forest in the mountains, leaving only one corpse of the beast.

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