"Great, we passed it!"

On the city wall, everyone looked at the retreating beast tide, and suddenly cheered excitedly.

In the laughter, there is a kind of joy after the disaster.

"Finally held it..."

Looking at the blood-stained ground below, Yang Zilei sighed lightly, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, do you receive the reward?"

Hearing the expected system voice, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows and said silently without hesitation: "Get it."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining one hundred thousand strengthening points."

"Congratulations to the host for getting a zoom remote control and ten zoom frisbees."

As soon as the sound fell, Yang Zilei's strengthening point suddenly increased to 105,400.

In the space of his system backpack, the two small grids next to the Ant-Man uniform also showed the icons of the remote control and the zoom frisbee.

At the same time, a piece of information about how to operate the appliance also flooded into Yang Zilei's mind.

Yang Zilei moved his mind slightly, took out two zoom frisbees, placed them on the Gatling machine gun and bazooka respectively, and used the remote control to adjust the zoom magnification the same as the Ant-Man suit.

Immediately, Yang Zilei turned his gaze to the city wall. Next to the corpse of the ‘Raging Ground-Splitting Tiger’, there was an ocher crystal that attracted his attention.

That was the beast core that splashed out when he blasted the head of the fifth-level beast with a grenade just now.

Right now, Yang Zilei jumped up and suddenly turned over from the city wall.

Now that he has reached the late stage of the Spirit Pill Realm, this kind of gravity fall with a height of tens of meters has no effect on him.

Then, under the influence of the body protector, Yang Zilei stood firmly on the ground and picked up the fifth-level beast core.

At this time the city gate opened, and many warriors also rushed out to pick up treasures.

Although the animal tide is a disaster, it also means a wealth.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a fifth-level earth element beast core. Will it be armed?"


Yang Zilei didn't even think about it, but he directly selected the rocket launcher and synthesized it with the beast core.

"Ding, the rocket launcher has been strengthened successfully, the strengthening point is -500."

As the beast core in his hand disappeared out of thin air, Yang Zilei's consciousness moved slightly, and he immediately entered the system space with some expectation.

When he saw the shape of the rocket launcher, his eyes were slightly startled.

However, the bazooka at this time has lost its original metallic black luster, and its shape has also changed a lot.

The more obvious is the surface layer of the rocket launcher, as if covered with a layer of rock, with a faintly gleaming earthy gray light. At the mouth of the barrel, it was transformed into the shape of a tiger's head. The open beast's mouth is exactly what The caliber of the fired shells is powerful and domineering.

"I don't know how powerful this rocket launcher that strengthens the earth-based beast core is?"

Yang Zilei murmured to himself, with some urge to fire a shot.

"Boy, half of the spoils here belong to our Azure Dragon Gang, hand over the beast core of the Raging Earthsplitting Tiger."

However, at this time, a low voice came from behind.

Yang Zilei turned his head to look, but saw that the forces of the Azure Dragon Gang had already surrounded him.

Standing at the forefront is the gang master Liu Yuan, and the other five hall masters, all of whom are strong in the early stage of the star realm.

Yang Zilei spread his hands and said calmly, "No more."

Liu Yuan's eyes sank, he looked at Yang Zilei, and sneered: "I just saw you picking up the beast core. Are you kidding me?"

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