
But when Yang Zilei took Liu Yuan's punch forcibly, he only took a few steps back. All the people watching the battle suddenly took a breath and watched the scene in disbelief.

"Physique training and martial arts?!"

Liu Yuan, who was also withdrawing half a step, his eyes sank, looking coldly at Yang Zilei's strong body and the dragon scales on his right arm.

Immediately there was a glimpse of suspicion in his eyes, and he sneered: "It turned out to be a martial arts training that can skyrocket in a short time. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, but you really think that with this ability, you are qualified to fight with me. Then I can only give you four words, not at my own discretion!"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Yuan suddenly burst out with an extremely bright earth-yellow light, and in that light, a ferocious tortoise beast covered with rocks instantly appeared.

Sixth rank martial soul, Shiyan Xuangui!

With this kind of power-increasing spirit, any weapon is redundant.

"I want to see how many times your martial arts training can stop me from attacking!"

Liu Yuan looked disdainful, and while grinning, his figure rushed out again.

This time, he obviously completely exploded the power of the peak of the star realm. Under the power of the martial arts, the fierce wind screamed wildly, which caused Yang Zilei to directly oppress the ground at the moment to burst. Cracks appeared.

"Boss Yang, run away!"

When Lin Tan and others saw this scene, their hearts were shaken, and their voices were slightly anxious.

"Can you escape?"

A bloodthirsty sneer appeared at the corner of Liu Yuan's mouth, and his fist slammed against Yang Zilei's head fiercely.

This kind of speed and distance, no matter how fast it is, I am afraid it is difficult to avoid.

However, just when his fist was about to touch his body, Yang Zilei suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the strong wind permeating the fist directly blasted onto the metal wall behind.


An astonishing impact sounded, and a huge fist mark suddenly appeared on the metal wall, and cracks spread immediately.

It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the power of this punch is!

At this time, Yang Zilei, who was wearing an Ant-Man uniform, had shrunk to the size of an ant. Standing on a stone, he looked at the huge, slightly shaking city wall behind him, and he couldn't help but swallow in secret.

Fortunately, there is an Ant-Man battle uniform, otherwise, even if you use the Dragon Shadow Step, you may not be able to retreat.

"It's me next."

Yang Zilei's eyes were also cold, and he directly took out a reduced version of the rocket launcher.

Because Liu Yuan missed a punch, his body rushed forward a certain distance. At this time, it could be said that his back was facing Yang Zilei. He looked around in surprise, but was shocked to find that Yang Zilei seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without any trace.


Yang Zilei carried the rocket launcher and directly pulled the trigger.

When the shell was separated from the rocket launcher equipped with the zoom flying disc, it instantly zoomed in and shot at Liu Yuan with a thunderous force.


The speed of the cannonball was extremely fast, Liu Yuangang was aware of it, but before he had time to retreat, it hit him.


The violent explosion sounded abruptly, and Liu Yuan's body guard aura collapsed instantly.

Since the rocket launcher synthesized the beast core of the'Furious Earth-Splitting Tiger', it naturally also contained the skill of this attribute. At the moment the shell exploded, countless sharp thorns sputtered out, directly shooting Liu Yuan's body. Sore holes.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Liu Yuan's **** corpse, lying straight on the ground.

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