"The helper is dead!"

When seeing Liu Yuan's tragic death, the five Astral Realm Hall Masters of the Azure Dragon Gang and thousands of thugs were completely stunned.

Although the City of Chaos is just a small place, gathered here are some influential warriors, but Liu Yuan's strength is the pinnacle of the real star realm, and the warriors in the city are almost unmatched.

However, now, less than a moment after the confrontation, he was killed by Yang Zilei with a peculiar and powerful weapon!


The crowd in the field suddenly fell into a calm atmosphere.

"Unexpectedly, Boss Yang is so powerful, but where is he now?"

Li Hu looked around with excitement, but couldn't find Yang Zilei.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone.

I saw this man, wearing a peculiar red and black suit and a strange helmet on his head, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

"This is... Boss Yang!?"

But the rocket launcher carried on his shoulder was suddenly recognized by Lin Tan and Li and others.

There is no doubt that this person is Yang Zilei wearing an Ant-Man uniform.

"This kid killed the gang leader, just in time for me to have a chance to be on top!"

As the second in command of the Blue Dragon Gang, Scar Man was undoubtedly a little surprised at this moment, and immediately his eyes swept towards Yang Zilei, his eyes getting colder and colder.

As long as I get rid of this guy and improve my reputation in the gang, no one will dare to oppose me by then.

"We killed him and avenged the gang leader together!"

Scar Man obviously knew that singles was not Yang Zilei's opponent, so he immediately held a long knife and shouted angrily.

The Azure Dragon Gang has thousands of people, plus the other four early stage hall masters of the Star Realm, and everyone joins hands. With this powerful lineup, I don't believe that Yang Zilei can't be killed!

"Vengeance for the leader!"

The Scar Man's voice fell, and immediately caused many Qinglong Gang thugs Qi Qi to roar in a terrifying manner.

Seeing this situation, Li Hu and the others clenched the AK47 with both hands, and then approached Yang Zilei with guard.

But at this moment, they were horrified to find that Yang Zilei's body had begun to grow bigger, and he hurriedly backed away.

In just a few breaths, Yang Zilei's body suddenly became as huge as a city wall. He looked down at the crowd below, and his vision was like looking at a group of ants.


Yang Zilei's heart was excited, the laughter wave swept away like a strong wave, and all the martial artists present became pale, all full of fright.

Although the quality of Ant-Man's battle uniform has not changed, whether it is strength or cultivation base, it is still at the original level.

However, this giant-like form had a strong deterrent effect, and the thugs of the Azure Dragon Gang were stunned on the spot, their minds blank.

"This is not an illusion..."

After Scar Man used his spiritual sense to probe, his heart was shocked, his eyes stared at Yang Zilei, who was dozens of feet tall, with horror, and said tremblingly: "How...how could it be possible!"

"Take me a shot."

Crazy light flashed in Yang Zilei's eyes, and the rocket launcher, which was also enlarged to the same magnification, suddenly launched a huge artillery shell, blasting towards the members of the Azure Dragon Gang below.


Suddenly, a terrible explosion suddenly erupted where the cannonball touched. Under the control of the positioning and tracking, the place where the cannon burr fell was the location of the scar man, which directly exploded it to pieces.

And the countless ground thorns that sputtered out also shot towards the surrounding Azure Dragon Gang members like a goddess scattered flowers.

All of a sudden, the crowd was dead and wounded, wailing ceaselessly.

"My lord, spare my life."

Seeing that Yang Zilei wanted to fire another shot, the remaining four hall masters of the Azure Dragon Gang and many thugs immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Looking at the huge feet in front of them, their faces were full of horror, the feeling was like an ant crawling in front of the gods, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

The resident warriors of the entire city of chaos also looked at this scene with shocking eyes. They were shocked when they saw the situation of the overbearing Azure Dragon Gang that used to be in the city at this moment, but they were very dark.

"Now you have two choices. One is to submit to me, the other is to die."

The super-large rocket launcher in Yang Zilei's hand aimed at the members of the Blue Dragon Gang below with great shock, and said coldly.

"See the helper."

The four hall masters of the early stage of the Star Realm looked at each other, all chose to obey, and their eyes were full of awe.

"See the helper!"

With the four hall masters taking the lead, the group of blue dragon gang thugs also quickly took effect.

However, Yang Zilei shook his head and said coldly: "I don't want to be the leader of the Azure Dragon Gang. Starting today, this city will be ruled by me, Yang Zilei."

Hearing this, the tens of thousands of warriors present all stared blankly, but no one dared to object.

Now that the Azure Dragon Gang and the Blue Tiger Gang in the city are all under Yang Zilei, coupled with the latter's powerful strength, how dare they have the slightest objection.

"Since there is no objection, then from now on, I am the lord of the City of Chaos. As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules. In the future, anyone who disturbs the order of this city will be punished with crimes. Have you heard clearly?"

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, his eyes swept toward the many figures with a harsh voice, and he shouted in a majestic voice.

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

For a while, everyone present nodded in awe.

Especially the people who have lived in the chaotic city all the year round have long been miserable about the chaotic order here. Now that someone comes out to take charge of the order, it might be a good thing.

In this way, under the notarization of everyone, Yang Zilei became the first city lord of Chaos City.

"Everyone deserves credit for resisting the tide of beasts tonight, so everyone has a share of these beast corpses."

Yang Zilei removed the Ant-Man uniform and recovered his original size. He glanced at the four hall masters of the four Azure Dragon Gang and initiated the first city master command: "Four of you, take people to take out the beast cores. Then it was sold to the Chamber of Commerce, and the silver was divided equally among everyone."

"Li Hu, Lin Tan, you lead the team to supervise. If anyone dares to fill his pockets, he will fine him a thousand sticks."

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

Hearing this, Li Hu and the others were slightly startled. If they used the methods of the former Liu Yuan gang leader to directly scrape most of the spoils, it would definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, Lord Santos was wise, able to gather people's hearts like this.

At the moment, they also hurriedly led all the members of the Qinglong Gang to start their lives.

Regarding Yang Zilei's move, the crowd at the scene undoubtedly burst into praise and applause, and felt that they had found a bright master.

Afterwards, surrounded by the perseverance of everyone, Yang Zilei entered the city and designated the base camp of the Azure Dragon Gang in the central area of ​​the city as the city lord's mansion.

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