At this time, in the magnificent hall.

"It seems we need to plan well."

Yang Zilei sat on the golden dragon chair of the original Liu Yuan gang, muttering to himself in a slightly thoughtful manner.

For the city lord who took advantage of the situation to become a chaotic city tonight, he was actually a little unexpected.

However, the area in which the City of Chaos is located is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the surrounding Michuan Vein has a lot of mineral resources, which really makes him quite excited.

Therefore, it must precede other empire forces to rule here before the city of chaos.

In this way, the future acquisition of metal minerals will not be in a passive situation.

More importantly, the arms sales here are completely unaffected by any dynasty forces, and they are sold unscrupulously.

Of course, the premise is that the city of chaos must have enough power as soon as possible.

Therefore, in the next few days, Yang Zilei canceled his plan to visit his daughter Chenchen in Cangqiong Wufu, and used the minzhimin anointing forcibly collected from the Qinglong gang on weekdays as the starting capital for the construction of the city to give back to the people. Improve the prestige and prestige of the city lord.

At the same time, Yang Zilei also formulated some order in the city. Any chamber of commerce purchasing any resources here must charge a tax of 5%, and set prices uniformly, so as not to squeeze the fruits of labor of the residents in the city.

He also posted a conscription notice and began to build a real army.

As for these trivial matters, they were all left to Li Hu, who had been in the army, and Lin Tan was his personal secretary, managing all the affairs of the City Lord's Mansion.

It was not until the morning of the fifth day that Yang Zilei rode a flying beast and wind sculpture, left the chaotic city, and hurried to Longfei City.

Because today is the day of his transaction with Yanchen, the fourth prince of the Great Yan Dynasty.

The balance of four million yuan has not been settled. This wealth cannot be wasted.

In the evening, Yang Zilei rode the Wind Sculpture, and finally arrived at Longfei City in the dust.

Now Yang Zilei's reputation in Longfei City is not small. When the soldiers guarding the city saw Yang Zilei, they didn't even have the procedures to stop and check, they just let him fly straight over the wall.

After a while, Yang Zilei quickly arrived at Fangshi where the arms shop was located. He swept down his eyes and frowned suddenly.

But at this time, he saw that a group of soldiers in iron armor was surrounded by his shop entrance. Judging from their well-equipped dress, they obviously did not resemble the local soldiers of Longfei City.

"Asshole thing, even the four princes dared to swallow the money. It's so bold. Today I smashed your broken shop!"

The brawny man headed was the middle-aged servant who followed Yan Chen a while ago. He shouted at the moment while beckoning his men to start smashing things in the shop.

"Our boss really has something to go out. He will be back soon, please don't mess it up..."

At the entrance of the store, Chen Sibi fell to the ground with a bruised face and screamed angrily. It was obvious that he had been beaten just now.

"Come back soon? I have been waiting here for two hours, do you want me to wait again!"

The middle-aged strong man snorted angrily, directly raised his foot and kicked Chen Si's stomach, and then exclaimed: "It's not pleasant to hit like this, it just burned!"

"Those who dared to smash my shop and beat me really don't want to live anymore!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei, with his feet on the sculptural back in mid-air, gradually became cold, and his voice was full of murderous intent...

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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