After the middle-aged strong man kicked Chen Si a few times, he made people light a torch. Such actions were obviously really going to set the shop on fire.

And not far behind the crowd, Yan Chen stood with his hand in his hand, looking at all this indifferently, it seemed that he was tacitly approving the actions of his men.

"Please, don't burn..."

With bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth, Chen Si stretched out his arms on the ground, begging hard, and couldn't bear to see his and Yang Zilei's hard work, and it was burned.

"This is how it should be when dealing with people who do not believe in words!"

The middle-aged brawny man showed a brutal face, and immediately shouted at the people in his hands: "Bring the torch, I personally burned this black shop!"

A soldier immediately handed the torch to the middle-aged strong man, but just when he was about to enter the shop and light it...


The loud gunfire exploded abruptly.

In the next instant, a blood hole appeared in the palm of the middle-aged strong man, and the torch fell to the ground.

The middle-aged strong man screamed, holding his blood-stained palm with a look of horror.

"Enemy attack!"

After a brief surprise, the hundreds of soldiers around immediately started to act, and immediately surrounded Yan Chen with water and swept their eyes vigilantly around.

It can be seen that these soldiers from the royal family are well-trained elites!

"Don't look for it, that person is on it."

Yan Chen narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky.

However, Yang Zilei was slowly landing on the Gale Eagle, holding a desert eagle pistol in his hand.

"The boss is back." Chen Si's eyes were startled, and there was a touch of joy on his face.

Seeing Yang Zilei coming down, the surrounding crowd shook their heads secretly. Although the former is the leader of the young generation in Longfei City, he offended the four princes of the Great Yan Dynasty, Yanchen, and life in the future may be difficult, and it will even hurt the entire Yang family .

"Asshole, how dare you attack me!" The middle-aged strong man glared at Yang Zilei in anger, and shouted: "Come here, take him..."

But before he finished speaking, Yang Zilei stepped out, his figure instantly along the way, as if it turned into a wandering dragon phantom, and in the blink of an eye he swooped in front of the middle-aged strong man.


The fist, with fierce wind, hit the middle-aged strong man's face fiercely.

Although the middle-aged brawny man is a master of the Spiritual Vessel Realm, he has almost no backhand ability in the face of Yang Zilei in the later period of the Spiritual Pill Realm.

His pupils tightened, and the speed of his body's reaction couldn't keep up with Yang Zilei's offensive, so he was hit on the bridge of his nose with a punch.

Immediately afterwards, only a "bang" was heard, and the middle-aged strong man was directly bombarded by a strong force and smashed into a ceramic stall behind him.

With a series of crackling noises, those ceramics were instantly crushed to the ground.

The middle-aged strong man fell into the debris pile, screaming and moaning with blood on his face, only to see his entire nose collapsed and his injuries were quite tragic.

The surrounding people, including Chen Si, were stunned. They stared at Yang Zilei in amazement, looking at the middle-aged strong man whose face was covered in blood by a punch.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zilei would dare to wound the subordinates next to the Fourth Prince. This is undoubtedly an indirect rebellion!

Not far away, there was a chill in Yan Chen's eyes, but he still stood there calmly, and said coldly: "You not only breached the contract, but also injured the prince, what do you think should be handled?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth, "I was talking about five days later, and I didn't specify a time. I didn't breach the contract."

Speaking of this, Yang Zilei turned around and asked, "Your subordinates smashed my shop and injured my people. How do you deal with this?"

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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