boom! !

A heavy explosion suddenly sounded, and only a dozen of the shield soldiers on the opposite side were directly blown up.

Seeing this scene, Yang Langtian and the others brightened their eyes, followed Yang Zilei's example, quickly took out the grenade, and then began to bombard the city defense soldiers.

Under this bombardment, the entire city wall shook violently.

"Damn it, forget that Yang Zilei still has this terrible iron egg!"

The city defense captain's complexion changed drastically, looking at the amazingly powerful bomb below, his eyes were filled with a deep look of panic.

"A bunch of trash!"

Chen Haoyang's expression turned pale when he saw his men fleeing in fright.

At the same time as the anger sounded, an extremely tyrannical energy aura burst out of his body.

And as this breath surged away, a terrifying aura was formed in an instant to suppress them, and a wave of grenades that Yang Zilei and others threw Zheng over again, abruptly fell to the ground in the air.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

For a time, amazing explosions sounded one after another.

Half a step in the Divine Sea Realm!

Seeing that the city lord Chen Haoyang finally made a move, everyone watching in the distance was shocked.

For the first time in so many years, they saw Chen Haoyang personally.

Unexpectedly, his strength was hidden so deep, he turned out to be a strong man who was detached from the star realm, but only half a step away from the Divine Sea Realm, half a step Divine Sea Realm!

Perceiving Chen Haoyang's true strength, Yang Langtian's expression at this time also gradually became serious.

Although he is the pinnacle of the star realm, facing a half-step divine sea realm powerhouse, if he fights against him, he will probably lose without ten moves.

"I thought that harmony was the most important thing, but you were stubborn, but it should be enough."

On the city wall, Chen Haoyang looked down at all members of the Yang family below, with that indifferent gaze, as if looking at a group of ants.

"City Master Chen made a move, now I see what arrogant capital you have!" The city defense captain sneered triumphantly.

"Yang Zilei, your growth rate is indeed surprising, but you haven't condensed your light and offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

Chen Haoyang looked at Yang Zilei indifferently, and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness the Four Princes has an order. Without his permission, from now on, you cannot take a half step out of Longfei City. If you disobey, destroy the clan!"

"So, I advise you to return to the Yang Mansion obediently, so as not to suffer more."

Listening to his tone, he was obviously planning to put Yang Zilei under house arrest in Longfei City, and wait until Yan Chen successfully ascended the throne, and then deal with him separately.

"It really is that guy."

Hearing Chen Haoyang talking about the person behind the scenes, Yang Zilei's eyes gradually turned cold.

At the same time, Yang Zilei's heart became more determined, and Yan Chen must not be allowed to ascend the throne, otherwise it would be a hidden danger in the future.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "In that case, then... do it."

Hands on?

What do you mean?

This is to make the city take the initiative? Or will the Yang family continue to resist?

Yang Zilei's words undoubtedly made people feel a little unclear.


However, just as everyone was puzzled, a gunshot suddenly sounded on the wall.

The sudden gunshots immediately shocked everyone present, and countless eyes were projected onto the city wall.

But I saw there, the city lord Chen Haoyang, who was originally like a rainbow, had a blood hole in his chest at this time.

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