
In the next instant, there was another gunshot, and Chen Haoyang's head was instantly penetrated by a bullet from behind, and fell directly from the high wall, completely dead.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and finally understood that Chen Haoyang was actually attacked by a guard behind him.

You know, although the ten guards are not many, they are all cronies whom Chen Haoyang has cultivated for many years. Why did they suddenly rebel? !

"The City Lord..."

The captain of the city defense force tightened his eyes and looked behind him hastily.

Among the guards, a young man in armor, holding a black May 4th pistol, stood just behind Chen Haoyang.

"Adong, are you crazy?!"

The other nine guards stared at the young man and shouted in surprise and anger.

"I'm not crazy, because I'm not Adong." A sneer appeared at the corner of the young man's mouth.

When the voice fell, he quickly squirmed the May 4th pistol in his hand, and directly shot the captain of the city defense force who had no time to open the protective aura, and then moved from the other end of the city wall with a vigorous movement. Down, disappeared into everyone's shocked sight.

"Who is that guy? He actually assassinated City Lord Chen Haoyang!"

"Is it an assassin disguised?!"

Seeing this scene, the onlookers under the city immediately caused a sensation, and they all guessed suspiciously.

"Zilei, is that the assassin you arranged?"

At this moment, Yang Langtian looked at Yang Zilei in astonishment, and asked in disbelief.


Yang Zilei nodded indifferently, and then stopped talking.

Because that assassin was Qin Feng from the Blood Moon Organization.

In the past in Qingyang City, he had hired the other party to assassinate the deacon of Cangqiong Wufu.

This matter has to start from last night.

Qin Feng sneaked into Yang's mansion and planned to purchase another batch of arms and weapons with Yang Zilei, but the deal was not completed due to insufficient strengthening points.

However, Qin Feng revealed some information to him that the Fourth Prince Yanchen planned to ban him from Longfei City.

In response to this, Yang Zilei, in order to ensure that Zheng could leave Longfei City smoothly, hired Qin Feng again, lurked beside Chen Haoyang, and assassinated him at a critical moment.

Of course, the price is one hundred AK47s and one hundred sets of bullets.

Although the price is a bit more expensive, the situation at this moment is also very cost-effective.

It was just unexpected that Qin Feng could even assassinate a half-step Divine Sea Realm powerhouse successfully. He didn't know what extent that guy's true strength had reached?


Hearing Yang Zilei's confirmation, Yang Langtian couldn't help taking a deep breath, staring at Yang Zilei in surprise.

It is hard to imagine that Yang Zilei is so young, but he is thinking so long-term, in fact, he has already arranged all the preparations for retreat.

With these methods, the Tianjiao of the same era, I am afraid that even Yang Zilei can't match it!

Thinking of this, Yang Langtian exclaimed, "Out of the city!"

Hearing the voice of the old Patriarch, the many Yang family members present recovered from the shock. They looked at the young and tall figure in the front of the team with surprise, and the respect in their eyes became more and more intense.

Next, as Yang Zilei expected, as the city lord Chen Haoyang was killed, the city defense soldiers suddenly fell like headless flies, their morale plummeted, and they all fled in fright wherever they dared to intercept the Yang family team.

In this way, the Yang family team finally went out of the city smoothly and headed straight for the Michuan Mountains under countless horrified eyes.

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