
Immediately afterwards, the two young boys standing beside Yang Zilei also became Dragon Blood Warriors.

"Brother, you think our condition is okay."

Da Meng smiled, waved his strong arm covered with dragon scales, and greeted Nadaku Shi.

"Amen, you... do you recognize me?!"

Dakushi's eyes shrank slightly, and he looked at Da Meng in amazement, and then looked at the other two Dragon Blood Warriors, feeling extremely incredible.

You know, the three of them are now in a dragonized state. According to the usual style, they should be like beasts that have lost their minds going crazy. How can they still talk to themselves so clearly at this moment? !


Not only Daku Shi, but the thousands of brawny men behind were also stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

"Amen, what's going on with you? You can actually maintain consciousness!" Daku Shi couldn't help asking.

"The three of us are like this, thanks to Young Master Yang's elixir..."

Da Meng did not hide anything, and explained the conflict between the three of them and Yang Zilei in the small forest, as well as all the subsequent events, to Daku Shi and the others.

After listening to what Da Meng said, the eyes of everyone from the Dragon Blood clan suddenly became frenzied.

Especially Daku Shi, the reaction was the most intense. He suddenly turned over and dismounted, walked quickly to Yang Zilei, and said excitedly: "Master Yang, would you please try it for me?"

Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, "Yes."

With that said, Yang Zilei did not hesitate to redeem a pack of functional solid beverages from the system store again, and then asked Chen Si to get a glass of water to fuse it and hand it to Daku Shi.

In his opinion, the bait must be spread slowly to attract more fish.

"This is the elixir?"

Staring at the slightly yellowish drink water, Dakushi's eyes were slightly startled, perhaps because he was too nervous and expectant, the palm of his hand was shaking slightly.

Immediately, he raised his head and drank it, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "It's delicious, I have never drunk such delicious water!"

Because the dragon blood clan people are inherently talented and have strong bodies, under normal circumstances, there is no pain, even if they are injured, they can heal quickly.

And this sturdy Daku Shih was naturally unharmed, so he did not feel the magical effect of the functional beverage at this moment, but felt a warm current erupting from the stomach and directly to the forehead, which was very comfortable.

"That's it?"

Dakushi looked at Da Meng and the others with surprise, and it felt as if nothing had changed.

Da Meng urged excitedly: "You quickly turn into a Dragon Blood Warrior and try it."

Daku Shi concentrated his head, trying to arouse the enclosed dragon blood.

In an instant, his eyes were scarlet, his body muscles swelled, and the surging spiritual energy all over his body suddenly showed a substantial crimson halo, instantly transforming into the fighting form of a dragon blood warrior!

Originally in the late stage of the Spirit Pill Realm, after being transformed into a dragon, his combat power has reached the level of the Star Realm!

"It turns out that this is the power of Longhua!"

For the first time that he could control this powerful force, Daku Shi was ecstatic.

And witnessing that Dakushi can relieve the sequelae of dragonization, the people of the dragon blood clan are undoubtedly pleasantly surprised, and there is no more suspicion in their hearts.

At this time, they looked at Yang Zilei, already seeing him as a savior, with excited expressions on their faces.

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