"Brother Lei's panacea, it really can be cured by anything."

Yang Mo's eyes flickered, and Anqing still kept a pack of functional solid drinks in his own storage and planned to save future life-saving medicine.


At this moment, the strong man Dakushi suddenly knelt on one knee and looked at Yang Zilei with piercing eyes, and said excitedly: "Master Yang, if you can save our dragon blood clan, I would like to follow him to the death!"

Immediately afterwards, the more than 5,000 dragon blood clan fighters in the rear also suddenly dismounted, shouting together: "I am willing to follow along!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Langtian and the others were shocked.

If Yang Zilei can really conquer these dragon blood warriors and cure their sequelae of turning into dragon blood warriors, then in the future, he will undoubtedly have a super strong army for the city of chaos!

However, Yang Zilei shook his head, "I don't have so many elixir at the moment. If you are willing to follow, you can go to the City of Chaos with me."

Although this kind of loss-making business can subdue the Dragon Blood clan, Yang Zilei also kept a secret.

If he took out all the functional drinks at that time and healed these guys, but suddenly repented and refused to go to the chaotic city, wouldn't it be a loss?

Therefore, Yang Zilei felt that only in his own territory could he truly master these dragon blood warriors.

Sure enough, he heard Nadakushi slightly embarrassed: "Leave now? Uh... Actually, we can't be the master of this. Please also invite Young Master Yang to our tribe and discuss with the patriarch."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, not afraid, and after confessing to Yang Langtian and the others, he left the camp with Dakushi alone.

Half an hour later, Yang Zilei and the others arrived at the tribe of Dragon Blood.

Simple mud walls, bungalows made of mud bricks, children playing in the mud...

The scene before him, this is the environment Yang Zilei saw when he first entered the tribe, the only impression can only be described by the word poverty.

And with the arrival of the stranger Yang Zilei, he clearly noticed the crowd in the tribe, and looked at him not very friendly.

If it hadn't been for Da Meng and they had moved forward together, I'm afraid they would have surrounded them long ago.

"Master Yang, I will take you to see our patriarch now."

Da Meng's attitude was extremely polite and respectful. At this time, he couldn't wait to introduce Yang Zilei to the patriarch and completely change the destiny of the Dragon Blood clan.

The residence of the patriarch, located in the central area of ​​the tribe, is a huge building with a dragon totem on it.

At this time, in the open space in front of the house, a tall middle-aged man was practicing a martial arts style, with weird footwork under his feet, and the afterimages left by his body shape together, like nine dragon shadows wandering around. It's hard to tell where he is.

"This is... Long Yingbu."

Yang Zilei, who had just arrived here, could not help his eyes move slightly, and said in a low voice.

It seems that the information previously consulted is indeed correct. The "Nine Dragons Fortune" is indeed a strong man from the dragon blood clan, and now this tribe must retain a more complete martial arts.


However, his voice was not loud, but it attracted the attention of the middle-aged burly man. When his figure moved, he stood in front of Yang Zilei and the others in the blink of an eye.

Yang Zilei looked at the opponent, but saw that this middle-aged brawny man had a faint leadership style in his gestures. He seemed to be the patriarch of this tribe.

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