Yang Zilei guessed in his heart. As expected, Da Meng hurriedly introduced: "Master Yang, this is our patriarch, Dayu Xiong."

While introducing Yang Zilei, Da Meng also looked at the clan Da Yuxiong, and respectfully said: "My patriarch, he is the lord of the City of Chaos, Yang Zilei."

The middle-aged strong man looked at Yang Zilei fiercely, then frowned slightly, looked at Da Meng and Daku Shi, and said solemnly: "Have you forgotten the family rules? You are not allowed to bring any strangers into the tribe!"

Daku Shi, who was impatient on the side, immediately said excitedly: "Patriarch, our dragon blood clan is saved. This young master Yang is very powerful. He can heal the sequelae of our dragon blood warriors losing their sanity!"

Dayu Xiong's face sank, and he coldly shouted: "Daku Shi, don't make such a joke with Lao Tzu!"

He looked serious. The dragon blood clan had been passed on for thousands of years in the Tianyan Continent. As early as in ancient times, the dragon blood warriors were a powerful race that was born militant, and did not have that pathological characteristic.

However, later, for unknown reasons, the descendants of the Dragon Blood clan gradually appeared such sick people. If they lose control of their emotions after anger, they will touch the dragon blood in the body, lose their minds, and attack any moving objects frantically. .

Fortunately, the form of the dragon blood warrior did not continue to be maintained. Generally, it would be released after a few hours due to excessive energy consumption.

However, gradually, more and more descendants of such out-of-control dragon blood warriors, like an infectious disease, eventually covered the entire ethnic group.

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Blood clan has been completely reduced to other racially discriminatory lower groups, which is undoubtedly a very sad historical record for the once powerful Dragon Blood Warrior!

Da Meng pressed his excitement and looked at Dayu Xiong excitedly: "Patriarch, it's true! Da Meng didn't joke with you."


Dayu Xiong's complexion was slightly startled, Da Meng, unlike Daku Shi, had a calm and cautious personality, and never joked casually. At this moment, seeing him say the same, Dayu Xiong was a little surprised.

He glanced at Yang Zilei suspiciously, this young human being really capable of that much?

To be honest, Dayu Xiong didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

But even so, he still had a complex idea in his heart, hoping it was true.

Feeling the questioning look in Da Yuxiong's eyes, Yang Zilei stood there calmly and confidently.

"Patriarch, look at me."

As Da Meng spoke, he transformed into a dragon blood warrior without warning, and then grinned at Da Yuxiong.

"Da Meng, you!!"

Upon seeing this, Dayu Xiong looked shocked.

Dakushi also transformed into a dragon blood warrior at this time, and then smiled respectfully: "Patriarch, now it's time to believe our words."

Seeing is believing at this time, Dayu Xiong immediately took a deep breath, tried to suppress the surging emotions in his heart, and asked: "You two, how do you feel now?"

"A wonderful feeling I have never had before."

Da Meng's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he exclaimed: "Although the violent dragon blood energy in my body gives me a strong desire to fight, I can completely control it."

Hearing this, Dayu Xiong was already so excited that he couldn't speak, and his palm began to tremble a little because of the excitement.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Dayu Xiong still has a dreamlike feeling until now. He stretched his palm behind him and pinched his **** in secret.

The intense pain undoubtedly made him more excited, and finally determined that he was not a dream.

And this kind of pain also made him feel the hope of the re-emergence of the dragon blood clan!

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