"Dear guest, as the patriarch of the Dragon Blood clan, I would like to express my admiration for you."

At this time, Dayu Xiong's attitude towards Yang Zilei had obviously changed drastically. After speaking, he clasped his fists and saluted.

"Everyone is your own, you are welcome."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, trying to lead the topic to what he wanted.

"My own person?"

Sure enough, Dayu Xiong asked with a puzzled look: "What do you mean?"

Yang Zilei didn't talk nonsense. He immediately moved his figure, stepping on fast and elegant footwork, and quickly shuttled through the open space like a dragon.

"Dragon Shadow Step!"

Dayu Xiong immediately saw that Yang Zilei's body style was derived from the speed martial arts skill of Jiulong Good Fortune.

However, the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art has now spread to the outside world, and it is not surprising that someone can learn the Dragon Shadow Step.

The most important thing is that Yang Zilei's forehead does not have the characteristics of the horns of the dragon blood clan, not to mention the ability to transform into a dragon blood warrior.

So just relying on the ability to perform Long Yingbu is one of your own. Isn't this too far-fetched?

However, Da Yuxiong was a little surprised that Yang Zilei was able to cultivate Long Yingbu to such a level of proficiency, and he was able to perceive the fluctuations in the aura from Yang Zilei's body, that the latter's cultivation had actually reached the late stage of the spirit pill realm Level!


But at this moment, an extremely violent and powerful aura suddenly burst from Yang Zilei's body, immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the tribe, and rushed here.

Under countless surprised eyes, the afterimages that shuttled in the open space stopped wandering, and Yang Zilei's body also appeared.

But at this moment, Yang Zilei had already opened the dragon form, his arms were covered with cyan dragon scales, his eyes were scarlet, his muscles swelled, and his forehead had no horns, he was completely like a dragon blood warrior!


The clan Chang Yuxiong, Da Meng, and all the people of the dragon blood clan around them all stared at Yang Zilei dumbfounded, shocked!

"This... how is this possible!"

Dayu Xiong was relieved from the astonishment, staring at Yang Zilei's dragon form, his eyes filled with incredible.

He knew very well that although the Jiulong Good Fortune Secret Art was a kind of martial arts, it was specially created for the Dragon Blood Clan. Except for the Dragon Shadow Step, the core content of the Heart Secret Art is almost impossible for outsiders to practice. success.

Because the most important point of the dragon blood warrior is that the body needs to have dragon blood in order to induce the dragon's power to merge into the body.

This is also the reason why no one can successfully practice even if the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Secret is spread to the outside world.

But now, Yang Zilei has broken the shackles and possesses a fighting form similar to a dragon blood warrior, which is simply shocking!

"So you are talking about yourself, it's this."

A hint of surprise flashed in Dayu Xiong's eyes, and then he was quite puzzled: "I'm very curious, how can you, a true purebred human, cultivate the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art."

"Because I have a system."

Yang Zilei laughed secretly in his heart, and then made up a lie at random, saying: "Maybe my ancestors, who was from your dragon blood clan, maybe."


Hearing this, Dayu Xiong and others were slightly startled, thinking that Yang Zilei was not unreasonable.

In the past, their dragon blood clan also had marriages with humans, just like the ancestral strong man who created the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art in the past, he is a hybrid born from a union with humans, and he is also a martial genius.

In order to be able to completely control the powerful power of the dragon blood warrior, the top martial arts "Nine Dragons Creation Secret" was created.

There are nine levels of exercises. As long as you understand the first level of cultivation, you can suppress your irritable and out-of-control emotions.

Not only that, but in the following training, he can absorb the dragon's essence and blood to make his blood veins stronger and stronger, so as to continue to evolve and become stronger.

Even after practicing to the final nine levels of Consummation, you can transform into a dragon!

However, the "Nine Dragons Good Fortune Secrets" is really unpredictable, and there are only a handful of tribesmen who truly understand the mysticism of martial arts.

Just like the patriarch Dayu Xiong, who is now fifty years old, he has just stepped on the threshold and successfully cultivated the Nine Dragon’s Great Creation Art’s first heart technique. He has successfully got rid of the state of being out of control at the time of Longhua and sat on it. The position of the patriarch.

But even so, facing the young Yang Zilei at this moment, he sighed to himself.

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