"In this way, your ancestors may indeed come from our dragon blood clan."

Thinking of this, Dayu Xiong took a deep look at Yang Zilei. At this time, he looked at the latter without any xenophobia at all.

The people of the dragon blood clan around, looking at Yang Zilei's current form, undoubtedly regarded him as one of them.

Yang Zilei was naturally aware of this subtle change, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As long as there is this relationship, the next thing will be much easier.

Dayu Xiong looked solemn and couldn't help asking, "Master Yang, how did you solve the sequelae of the Dragon Blood Warrior?"

"This kind of thing."

Yang Zilei didn't talk too much nonsense, took out a pack of functional drinks and handed it to Dayu Xiong.

"Just such a small bag of stuff?"

Dayu Xiong looked surprised, staring at the drink bag in his hand, his expression turned a little strange.

Da Meng nodded and praised: "Yes, Lord Patriarch, this elixir is taken with water. It not only tastes great, but it can also heal injuries."

Hearing that, Dayu Xiong didn't believe it. Under curiosity, he called a young guy, and after the water melted, he let him drink.

At this time, this area was already surrounded by the entire tribe. Everyone looked at the young guy who drank the drink with curious and expectant eyes, hoping that the next thing they wanted was the result.


Accompanied by the young guy inciting the dragon's blood and turning into a dragon blood warrior, everyone followed this roar, and the whole heart was also raised.

One after another, they looked at the condition of the Dragon Blood Warrior with a little nervousness.

"I'm dragonized? I can actually maintain consciousness, it's amazing!"

The young guy swept scarlet eyes towards the surrounding crowd, and immediately ecstatic gaze emerged from his fierce eyes.


"The Dragon God is here, is this your messenger sent to save our Dragon Blood clan!?"

Upon seeing this, a burst of cheering and laughter suddenly sounded in the tribe, and tears burst into the eyes of all the dragon blood clan, regardless of men, women, young or old.

At the same time, Yang Zilei's image in the hearts of all of them suddenly rose to a very high position, even surpassing their patriarch, Yuxiong.

"Master Yang, if the secret recipe of this elixir can be told, you will be the great benefactor of our dragon blood clan."

After a brief period of excitement, Dayu Xiong looked at Yang Zilei with blazing eyes, and solemnly said: "If there is any need in the future, our dragon blood clan will definitely go through fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

"Yes, the great kindness of Master Yang will always be remembered by our Dragon Blood clan!!"

The people of the surrounding tribes also couldn't wait to request, hoping that Yang Zilei could publish the secret medicine prescription.

However, Yang Zilei's next words made the smiles on their faces stiff.

I saw Yang Zilei shook his head, "Sorry, only I can refine this thing, and no one else can learn it."

He really didn't lie about this, but when he heard it in Dayu Xiong's ears, he regarded Yang Zilei as a kind of Tibetan selfishness, or had other intentions.

Dayu Xiong muttered for a while, and then said directly: "As long as Master Yang can tell the secret recipe, even if we give it all, we will try our best to satisfy any of your conditions."

In his opinion, if he can get the prescription, then the descendants of the dragon blood clan will no longer be troubled by the loss of sanity after the dragon is transformed.

Regarding this point, as the patriarch, Dayu Xiong had a long-term view, and even planned to come up with the first eight exercises secrets of "Nine Dragons Creation Secrets" and exchange formulas with Yang Zilei.

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