Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly. It seemed that the patriarch was a bit savvy and knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

But the problem is that functional solid beverages are redeemed from the system mall. Where does he have any recipes?

Even if there is, the beverage water prepared from reality will taste similar at best, completely losing the magical healing effect.

In this regard, Yang Zilei said indifferently and helplessly: "Everyone is our own, and it is a bit of a disagreement to negotiate terms. I really have no prescription."

Dayu Xiong frowned slightly, and said in doubt: "If there is no pharmaceutical formula, how did you make those elixir?"

Obviously, Da Yuxiong couldn't believe Yang Zilei's remarks, including others.

"I don't know, maybe it is a super power bestowed by the Dragon God."

Yang Zilei lightly shrugged his shoulders and opened his eyes to speak nonsense. At the same time, he also moved out the spiritual beliefs of the dragon blood clan, planning to start brainwashing the dragon blood clan who have not yet opened their minds.

Sure enough, when they heard the word "Dragon God", Da Yuxiong and their faces showed a little awe.

"This kind of superpower is hard to explain, I will show it to you now."

After that, Yang Zilei grasped the long knife tied to his waist by Da Meng and secretly issued a system command: swallow.

In the next instant, the long knife forged from profound iron disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for swallowing 12 kilograms of metal, and successfully converted to 12 enhancement points."

"Ding, successfully redeemed a pack of functional solid beverages, the strengthening point is -5."

When Yang Zilei's mind sounded the electronically synthesized sound of the system, a bag of beverages flashed in his hand.

"This...this is the super power bestowed by the Dragon God?!"

Looking at this scene, everyone present was shocked, and admiration appeared in their eyes!

Dayu Xiong's heart trembled, and his gaze swept towards the palm of Yang Zilei's holding the long knife, only to see that the hand was not wearing a storage ring, and the wooden material of the handle was completely peeled off.

"Does your superpower use metal as a material, which turns it into this elixir?"

He, who has always been careful, quickly judged Yang Zilei's ability and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's face was slightly startled, and he couldn't help but sigh that the patriarch's eyesight was really vicious, and he immediately saw the core technology.

"Yes, as long as you swallow metal, you can get the elixir."

Yang Zilei naturally nodded and said, in order to let these guys dispel their doubts, he had to expose the capabilities of the system a little bit.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard that it was so easy to get the elixir.

"With such a magical ability, Young Master Yang must be the messenger sent by the Dragon God to save our Dragon Blood clan."

"The Dragon God is up, we are saved."

For a while, everyone knelt on the ground with excitement, and prayed in surprise.

As for Yang Zilei's superpowers, they are undoubtedly convinced at this moment.

"Young Master Yang, please help our Dragon Blood clan."

Dayu Xiong took a deep breath, and then, as the patriarch, bowed to Yang Zilei and bowed a big gift.

Obviously, Dayu Xiong had no doubt about Yang Zilei's superpowers, and even like others, he regarded Yang Zilei as the messenger sent by the Dragon God to save their tribe.

Yang Zilei glanced at the crowded figures around him and asked, "How many people are there in your tribe?"

Dayu Xiong quickly replied: "It's about more than 15,000."

Hearing this number, Yang Zilei couldn't help but confuse his tongue. He couldn't imagine that this poor tribe had such a large population.

The exchange value of a pack of functional solid beverages is 5 fortification points, and more than five thousand people will consume at least 80,000 fortification points.

His current system only has 20,000 enhancement points, which is far from enough.

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