
The heavy and majestic metal gate slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hu led all the city defense soldiers out of the city gate, standing in two rows, standing upright in a line to welcome.

Not long after, Yang Zilei's huge team arrived here mightily.

Looking at the solid metal city in front of them, the eyes of the Dragon Blood clan flashed with excitement.

This is where they will rebuild their new home!

"Welcome the boss back to the city!"

"Welcome the brothers of the Dragon Blood clan to settle in the City of Chaos!!"

Looking at the group of tall dragon blood warriors at close range, Li Hu and others' eyes trembled, but they still shouted loudly.

Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, very satisfied with Li Hu and his welcome etiquette.

However, Dayu Xiong and the others, who were welcomed for the first time, were a little flattered at the moment, all stunned and at a loss.

In the past, their dragon blood clan, no matter where they went, were the targets of exclusion and expulsion.

How can it be welcomed by people in line like today!

For a moment, all the dragon blood warriors, with red eyes, looked at the young figure of Yang Zilei in front, and the respect in their eyes became more and more intense.

"Boss, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble in the city, we will camp outside for the time being."

Dayu Xiong thought that the dragon blood clan's out-of-control state has not yet been resolved, and actively proposed.

Yang Zilei nodded slightly, and then said apologetically: "Clan Chief Da, before the construction is planned, I have wronged you to camp here first. You can rest assured in terms of living materials. I will send someone to transport you. "


Dayu Xiong also nodded and smiled: "The boss doesn't need to care too much, we are very satisfied with the environment here."

Although the Michuan Mountains are not as prosperous and wealthy as the big cities, they are already very good for the Dragon Blood Warriors living in the hill tribes.

And the most important thing is that there are countless fierce beasts in the mountains, which is equivalent to a natural giant hunting ground. With the sturdy combat power of the dragon blood clan, there is no fear of the crisis of food shortage.

Then, under the command of Fang Dayuxiong, the young and strong dragon blood warriors began to cut down the surrounding trees, and then set up camps.

The women of the Dragon Blood clan are responsible for the logistics of cooking and cooking, and they have a clear division of labor.

Seeing this, everyone in the Yang family's team looked startled.

After these days of getting along with each other, they also gradually became one with the dragon blood clan from the initial trembling.

On the contrary, he discovered unexpectedly that the rumored fierce dragon blood clan in the outside world is very simple and industrious.

"All members of the Yang family follow the order."

At this time, Yang Langtian suddenly gave orders and said in a heavy voice: "The young and strong children, as well as all the family guards, stay here to assist our partners and build a new home."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Hearing that, the Yang family juniors also took the lead without hesitation, then rolled up their sleeves and started to get busy.

Dayu Xiong's face was slightly startled, then he smiled gratefully at Yang Langtian and others.

Yang Zilei turned his eyes to Yang Langtian, and a smile appeared on his face.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Yang Zilei knew in his heart that the old Patriarch was establishing an image for him to gather people's hearts, thereby enhancing the loyalty of the Dragon Blood clan to himself.

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