"Li Hu, let the order go on!"

Immediately, Yang Zilei glanced at Li Hu and the others, and said: "Take all the city defense soldiers, clear all the trees in this area, and go straight to the outside of the mountains."

Li Hu couldn't help but asked curiously: "Boss, are you building a road?"

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, "Expand the city."

Hearing this, Li Hu's dark complexion was slightly startled, and he looked at Yang Zilei with admiration.

Unexpectedly, the boss is so ambitious and ready to expand!

"I'll let the brothers bring tools and work together."

Li Hu looked excited, immediately obeyed Yang Zilei's order and started to get busy.

After the confession, Yang Zilei led the old and young women and children in the team into the city and settled everyone in the city lord's mansion.

With the news that Yang Zilei was about to expand the city, the city undoubtedly caused quite a stir.

The residents of Chaos City not only did not disagree, but started to donate supplies spontaneously.

In this way, under the leadership of Yang Zilei, everyone started their feat of building homes every day.

At the same time, Yang Zilei also kept buying the metal mysterious iron excavated from the mineral veins, making up 80,000 strengthening points, all of which were converted into functional solid beverages.

The people of the dragon blood clan all drank the drink without any omissions, which solved the sequelae of becoming a dragon blood warrior.

This time, the enthusiasm of the Dragon Blood Warriors who got their wish is undoubtedly more passionate.

In just five days, in this area of ​​tens of kilometers leading to the mountains, all the trees were dug up and the land was leveled.

As for those trees, they weren't wasted. They were all made into a temporary wall by the Drake Warriors and surrounded them to prevent attacks by beasts.

In the design and planning of the city, Yang Zilei has incorporated some of the modern architectural styles of the past. Although it is still only crumpled, the architectural pattern that is extremely advanced compared with other cities has aroused many architects' wonder.

Now the face of the chaotic city can be said to change day by day. Yang Zilei believes that in a short time, the entire vast project will enter the final stage.

However, with the consumption of this period of time, the deposit of more than 10 million taels in his card, now there are only more than 1 million left, which has shrunk ten times!

"Money is not everything, but without money, it is absolutely impossible."

In the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Zilei was sitting on the dragon chair at this time, muttering to himself, he also began to think about the way to make money.

These days, in order to expand the city, he put the arms business aside for the time being, but he didn't expect the money to be spent so quickly.

In this regard, Yang Zilei secretly reviewed his mindset.

The construction of the city and the assembly of the army can only be done slowly. His current property, I am afraid that if he persists for a few more days, he will really run out of food.

"Boss, someone from the Dayan Dynasty is here."

At this moment, Chen Si hurriedly walked into the hall and looked at Yang Zilei excitedly: "It's a member of the royal family. Last time you asked me to send someone a letter to the second prince, he seemed to be moved."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up, and he was really thinking about it.

"Bring them in."

Yang Zilei waved his hand, then moved his mind, and checked the system's strengthening points [165,000+].

After returning to the city a few days ago, he bought 200,000 jin of profound iron, and after redeeming the functional beverage package, there was only so much left.

The reason why these strengthening points were not used to upgrade the martial arts, Yang Zilei planned to retain the turnover of arms sales.

Sure enough, it comes in handy now!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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