"Dragon Blood Clan!?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Zong was secretly surprised, but quickly denied the thoughts in his mind.

Because people from the Dragon Blood clan had two horns on their foreheads, Yang Zilei did not have this appearance.

But even so, it is enough to make people feel shocked.

The previous Yang Zilei's strength was only in the late stage of the spirit pill realm, but now the combat power after Longhua, even the peak of the star realm, has the power of a battle.

There was a solemn color in Lu Zong's eyes, and he couldn't imagine that the city lord of Chaos City had the ability of the dragon blood clan.

It was only at this moment that Lu Zong finally understood why the group of dragon blood clan who were expanding the city outside, who were fierce and violent in nature, would willingly surrender to Yang Zilei.

"Only based on your behavior just now, I can ask someone to put you to death now, don't you believe it?"

Yang Zilei's voice was cold, his blood-red eyes stared at Lu Zong, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty light.


Hearing this, Lu Zong was immediately furious, but with an angry face, he did not dare to continue to talk back to Yang Zilei.

From this short duel, Lu Zong was already very clear that the city lord in front of him was not a mess.

If he continues to intend to use the imperial majesty of the Great Yan Dynasty to try to deter the opponent, the result may only be counterproductive.

"Old Lu, enough."

At this moment, the second prince Yanhong, who had been silent for a long time, finally said, "Your behavior just now was indeed a bit rude. Apologize to City Master Yang."

Yan Hong's voice was neither salty nor weak, but it seemed to have an invisible deterrent effect. Lu Zong immediately nodded respectfully: "Yes, His Royal Highness the Second Prince."

With that, Lu Zong looked at Yang Zilei and said, "I apologize to you for the rudeness just now."

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei was slightly surprised. It seems that these two princes do have a set of disciplines.

From this point, Yang Zilei was puzzled. According to Chen Si's previous description, these two princes had mediocre qualifications and no achievements among the princes.

But the temperament displayed at this moment is not as incompetent as rumored.

"It seems to be another scheming man pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Yang Zilei sneered in his heart, so better, so that he could use the hands of these two princes to get rid of the fourth prince Yanchen.

Yang Zilei is still worried about the smashing of the shop in Longfei City a while ago and the obstruction of going out of the city.

Yan Hong's deep gaze at this moment also looked at Yang Zilei for a while, before he said bluntly: "The kind of arms and weapons you sold to my fourth brother, I know, including what happened to you in Longfei City. thing."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, "If that's the case, then you should have received relevant information and learned about the power of arms and weapons."

"I really understand."

Yan Hong nodded indifferently, and then turned around: "But without seeing it with my own eyes, I can't estimate how powerful it is."

Hearing that, Yang Zilei didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out an AK47 and a grenade.

"The two arms and weapons purchased by the fourth brother are these two?"

Yan Hong stared at the guns and grenades in Yang Zilei's hand, surprised.

"Well, this is called the AK47 assault rifle, this is an explosive grenade..."

Yang Zilei briefly explained the operation method, and then led them to the courtyard outside.

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