"Boom boom boom...!!!"


Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot and the sound of grenade exploding.

The second prince Yanhong and the gray-robed old man Lu Zong were all stunned.

Although I learned from the intelligence that this peculiar weapon was powerful, I was expecting it, but I was still deeply shocked by what I saw at this moment.

Fast fire rate, strong lethality, simple operation.

This is their evaluation of AK47 after seeing Yang Zilei's demonstration.

As for the terrifying power when the grenade exploded, it shocked the two of them. The mood at this moment can no longer be described by various adjectives.

"In another ten days, it will be the birthday of the father, if I guess correctly, the fourth brother will do it on that day!"

Yanhong's eyes sank, and with such a powerful weapon, once the four princes rebel and seize the seat in the banquet, I am afraid no one can stop it.

And Lu Zong, who thought Wu Xiu had a good accomplishment, was also shocked.

With those grenades alone, if the aura of the body guard was not opened, the explosive power of a single one could split him in an instant.

Perceiving Yanhong's solemn expression, Yang Zilei smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, if you want to buy it, I will equip you with a few Gatling machine guns, which definitely can do his batch of AK47s."

Hearing this, Yan Hong's face was startled, "Gatling gun?"

Suspiciously, he suddenly discovered that a dark heavy firearm had appeared in Yang Zilei's hands.

The muzzle pipe composed of six barrels, as well as the long bullet chain, and the tough shape all show the mighty and domineering gun!

"The operation method is the same, aim at the target and pull the trigger."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth rose, and the six pipe openings of the gun body pointed at Lu Zong suddenly.

Wasn't it very distressed just now, now let you taste the power of the Gatling gun.

"and many more……"

Upon seeing this, Lu Zong's eyes shrank tightly, hurriedly mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, and a protective shield of aura was condensed in his body.

Yang Zilei bent his finger and pulled the trigger directly.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

In that instant, the six barrels of guns spun quickly, and the tongues of fire spurted. Amidst the deafening sound of the guns, the bullets slammed into Lu Zong.

Rao was Lu Zong, whose cultivation base reached the half-step Divine Sea Realm. At this moment, he was also hit by a machine gun, suppressed to move, and could only use his aura to support his body guard aura.

At the same time, his body, also under such violent impact, kept retreating, and the body protection aura hood on his body trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

After a few dozen breaths, Yang Zilei stopped shooting.

This is still when he didn't use the Wuhun cannon, if he added the ‘critical strike’ of his talent skills, this old man would definitely be even more embarrassed.

At this time, the yard was filled with dust and the smell of gunpowder in the air was extremely pungent.

Yanhong stood where he stood just now, his face pale, and his whole body was completely shocked.

"So powerful!"

Lu Zong, who experienced it firsthand, was undoubtedly shocked at this moment, and finally understood how Yang Zilei dared to be so arrogant just now.

With such a powerful killer, even if the true Divine Sea Realm master is standing here, I am afraid he will not be in his eyes!

Thinking of this, Lu Zong's heart trembled, and he looked at Yang Zilei with faint dread.

After a while, the second prince Yanhong, who was slowing down, took a deep breath, then stared at Yang Zilei with scorching eyes, and said excitedly:

"City Lord Yang, do you have any powerful weapons, please don't hesitate to take them out, the price is not a problem!"

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