Yang Zilei's heart moved when he heard that price is not a problem.

With such a big tone, it seems that the wealth of these two princes is not low.

Can't let go!

Yang Zilei suddenly came to his mind.

Immediately, he showed the incendiary bomb, the bison submachine gun, and the sniper rifle, which are several types of weapons with good lethality.

"This kind of gun, its full name is Barrett Sniper Rifle, has a range of up to two kilometers and is a long-range attack weapon..."

Yang Zilei was holding a sniper rifle, and while explaining, the muzzle was aimed at the sky. A bird happened to fly by from a high altitude and pulled the trigger.

call out--!

With the Barrett sniper rifle equipped with a muffler, the bullet suddenly shot out silently.

In an instant, the bird in mid-air was shot to death in an instant, and suddenly fell down.

"Good gun! I want this one!"

Upon seeing this, Yan Hong's eyes lit up. Shooting at such a long distance still has such a strong power, which is many times stronger than that of a crossbow.

And the most important thing is that there is this kind of sound-eliminating device. If it can hide in a hidden place, this kind of silent shooting is undoubtedly an absolute advantage.

"Incendiary bombs, as the name implies, are weapons that can release flames and have a wide range of lethality. When the two armies are at war, once they are thrown away, the enemy can be buried in flames..."

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei picked up the incendiary bomb, pulled the fuze, and threw it directly toward the open space.


Suddenly, the crimson flame burst open, and a scorching fire wave suddenly burned in the clearing. In the blink of an eye, everything around it became scorched.

"I want this incendiary!"

Yan Hong hurriedly condensed a body-protecting spirit hood, and his pupils reflected the fiery red light, his expression excited.

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

De Yanhong was quite satisfied with the continuous fierce firepower of the next Bison submachine gun, and directly ordered it without hesitation.

Immediately, Yang Zilei ordered Chen Si to list a price list and handed it to Yanhong for review.

Demolition grenade: 600 taels.

Incendiary bomb: 600 taels.

AK47 rifle: 5000 taels, 100 taels per group.

Bison submachine gun: 5000 taels, 100 taels per group.

Gatling machine gun: 100,000 taels, 2,000 taels per chain.

And under the restriction of Yang Zilei, only two Gatling guns can be bought this time.

After all, Yang Zilei must be restricted for such a powerful weapon killer.

Otherwise, if you have a hostile relationship with these forces in the future, and instead use the arms he sold to attack your own city, isn't it asking for trouble? !

Therefore, Yang Zilei kept a serious eye on this, anyway, selling other guns and weapons, there are also extremely high profits to be made.

"So expensive!"

Lu Zong's deep eyes glanced at the price marked on the paper, and he couldn't help but breathe in the air.

However, the expression on the face of the second prince Yanhong was calm.

In his opinion, Yang Zilei's arms and weapons are indeed a bit expensive, but they are excellent value for money!

As long as he has this batch of weapons, he doesn't need to fear Yanchen, the fourth prince who also has arms.

"Since the fourth brother bought a thousand shares, then I am twice as much as him."

Yanhong squinted his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Two thousand for each, and all of them."

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