On the street, Yang Zilei just walked out of a branch of the Yonglong Chamber of Commerce.

"My Lord Santos, there will be stocks in the future, and we will notify you as soon as possible."

Behind, the shop owner followed with a smile on his face, and said respectfully: "According to the rules, one hundred and two 30 jin of bronze, I will give you 60 jin now, are you satisfied with the price?"

Yang Zilei glanced at the shop owner appreciatively and nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, in the future your chamber of commerce is in the city. If anyone dares to make trouble, you can ask the city defense army to deal with it at any time."

With that, Yang Zilei took out an iron plate and handed it to the shop owner.

This iron medal was made temporarily by him and specially made the token of the City Lord's Mansion.

As long as the merchants who get this card belong to the key protection objects of the City of Chaos, it is equivalent to a kind of membership system, and the tax can be reduced accordingly.

"Thank you Lord Santo."

After the store owner received the token, he was overjoyed and looked like a treasure, and carefully put the token into the storage ring.

Yang Zilei's mind moved slightly, and he checked the system light curtain to strengthen the point [2.1 million+].

Seeing this rapidly accumulating value, Yang Zilei's pressure was significantly reduced.

"There is still half a million, and the next step is the branch of Wanjin Commercial Bank."

Yang Zilei raised his eyes to look at another Chamber of Commerce store at the end of the street, muttering to himself.

In this acquisition, he received a deposit of 10 million yuan in advance from the second prince Yanhong, which has already spent nearly 4 million taels.

As for the remaining 500,000 catties of metal, at most one million taels will be consumed.

Forget it overall, this arms trade is equivalent to the empty glove white wolf, which has made a high profit of 22 million!

Thinking of this, the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, and he walked towards the shop on the corner of the street with vigorous steps.

Speaking of Wanjin Commercial Bank, Yang Zilei felt a bit related to it.

The first arms deal he completed was the Jinhai Pavilion, the branch of Wanjin Commercial Bank in Qingyang City, and he took in Chen Si, his assistant.

Later, when I went to Longfei City, I also met Tang Xinyue, the daughter of Wanjin Commercial Bank.

Since the hunting competition in Long Feicheng, she has never seen Tang Xinyue again, and she does not know if she will go back to Qingyang City.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei had already arrived at the branch of Wanjin Commercial Bank.

When he was about to step into the door, a beautiful figure came out, and it rushed into his sight so abruptly.

Tang Xinyue!

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't think that he had just thought of it. He appeared in front of him now, and suddenly felt a little dreamlike.

Tang Xinyue is wearing a red strapless skirt today, which brings out her excellent figure and elegant temperament.

It didn't show much, but it was impressive.

"Yang Zilei, it's you!"

Tang Xinyue's eyes were slightly startled, and he also noticed Yang Zilei who was walking towards him.

She was stunned at the same place, staring at Yang Zilei, her beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with joy, without the strangeness that she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Long time no see." Yang Zilei smiled and said hello.

"Yes, it's been a long time indeed."

Tang Xinyue's red lips lightly opened, sketching a charming smile.

"I originally thought that the lord of the City of Chaos was just the same name and surname as you. I didn't think it was really you."

Tang Xinyue stared at Yang Zilei in front of her with beautiful eyes, with a slightly surprised tone.

"Actually, I also felt very surprised."

Yang Zilei shrugged his shoulders and joked with a faint smile, "Since you are all old acquaintances, in the future, you will give you a 20% discount on the tax revenue of your Wanjin firm in the city."

"It's only 20% off, a bit stingy."

Tang Xinyue smiled, and also joked, "You came to our branch of Wanjin Commercial Bank today, isn't it to collect the money?"

For some reason, she felt very relaxed and natural when chatting with Yang Zilei.

It's not like dealing with other people deliberately or paying attention to etiquette.

Yang Zilei shook his head and said with a faint smile: "I also want to collect money, but this time I want to spend it."

"What are you going to buy?" Tang Xinyue asked curiously.

"Metal, the lower the better, and the cheaper it is." Yang Zilei looked serious.

Hearing this, Tang Xinyue gave him a weird look.

Without thinking about it, she immediately called the shopkeeper of the branch and sold the remaining 1 million catties of mysterious iron to Yang Zilei at the cheapest price.

"Sure enough, acquaintances make things easier."

Yang Zilei was happy, and then converted all the 1 million catties of mysterious iron blanks in the storage ring into strengthening points.

Now the value of system enhancement points is 3.1 million. Excluding the 2.6 million enhancement points to be exchanged for arms and weapons, he still has 400,000 to spend freely.

After the work was completed, Yang Zilei felt a lot more relaxed at this time.

Looking at Tang Xinyue who came by, Yang Zilei asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing in Chaos City this time? Do you want to invest?"

"I do have this plan."

Tang Xinyue's mouth rose with a beautiful arc, and said: "But it still needs to be investigated."

"But this is only one of them. The most important thing is that our Wanjin firm recently received news that someone reportedly discovered an ancient tomb in the Michuan Mountains."

"Ancient tomb?"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was startled and asked, "Whose is it?"

Since ancient times, there have been countless dead people in the Tianyan Continent. It is not uncommon to find the ancient tomb. The key is the identity of the person buried in the ancient tomb.

After all, the noble powerhouse, the funeral items in it, must be so precious that it makes people crazy.

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