Tang Xinyue's beautiful eyes looked in the store, and saw that there were no outsiders, and she whispered: "The ancient tomb seems to have existed for a long time. The owner heard that it was a tomb built by a powerful man in the Nine Tribulations Realm. If you fail to cross the robbery, you will die in the tomb, and you will have a place to be buried."

"Nine Tribulations Realm!"

Hearing these three words, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed a little astonishment, and there was also a slight shock on his face.

Today's Yang Zilei can be regarded as a general understanding of the martial arts level, for example, he is now in the Spirit Pill Realm, and above it is the Star Realm and the Divine Sea Realm.

And the Nine Tribulations Realm is above the Divine Sea Realm, and the martial arts powerhouses who can step into this level are almost all famous, no matter which dynasty power they reach, they belong to the existence of a side hegemon.

Unexpectedly, in this Michuan Mountains, there is an ancient tomb mansion of the Nine Tribulations Realm! ?

"Are you sure it's true?" Yang Zilei asked in surprise.

"We, Wanjin Commercial Bank, have inquired through various channels. This matter should not be false."

Tang Xinyue nodded, and said: "Some of the strong people who have heard the news have come after hearing the wind. It seems that even the four major military forces around the Michuan Mountains have their disciples here to experience treasure hunting."

"Four major martial arts?"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows.

He knew a little bit about these four martial arts.

The Cangqiang Wufu where his daughter Yang Chenchen is located belongs to one of them.

The other three military forces are Lanyun Wufu, Yaori Wufu, and Xuanjian Wufu.

With the addition of these four martial arts forces, it seems that the burial objects left by the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse in the tomb are not so easy to compete for.

"But there is one thing that makes me a little strange. Why didn't the guy who discovered the ancient tomb mansion first go to the tomb and take the baby and send the news?"

Yang Zilei looked at Tang Xinyue in front of him, and asked quite suspiciously.

"Because the formation restriction is set outside the tomb mansion, at least ten Divine Sea Realm experts are required to break the energy seal."

Tang Xinyue smiled and said: "Moreover, there are many organs in the tomb mansion. Even if you break the formation and enter it, I am afraid that you will have died before seeing the treasure."

"So the adventurer is not stupid. If you spread the news, you can at least attract the martial arts powers of the Divine Sea Realm to break the seal of the ancient tomb, and maybe you can get a share in the end."

"That's it."

Yang Zilei was a little surprised at this, and whispered to himself: "No wonder there have been many outsiders in the city recently, and all of them are not weak warriors. It turned out that it was because of that person that he learned about the ancient tomb mansion."

Regarding this, Yang Zilei couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that as the lord of the City of Chaos, the news was so blocked.

Without Tang Xinyue's notification, he might have missed this treasure hunt.

Then, Yang Zilei learned some news about the ancient tomb mansion from Tang Xinyue, and then left after thanking him.

According to the circulated news, the person who first discovered the ancient tomb will only show up tomorrow night, and send a signal of phosphorite flame from the location of the ancient tomb in the mountains to guide everyone to hunt for treasure.

It is not difficult to see that Yang Zilei felt that the guy was very shrewd and worried that if the location of the tomb was exposed in advance, it would be forcibly occupied by the forces of the Martial Palace. This was how he came up with such a trick.

After all, with the arrival of many warriors, no matter how strong the four military forces are, they cannot resist everyone's desire for treasure hunting.

After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Zilei completed the transaction with Yan Hong at the first time and successfully received the remaining 17 million yuan.

As for the second prince Yanhong, although he has heard a little about the rumor of the ancient tomb, it is obviously more important than the fight for the throne.

Therefore, after obtaining that large number of arms and weapons from Yang Zilei, he quickly left the chaotic city.

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