
The rune puppet beast is like a guardian, standing fiercely in front of the entrance of the tomb mansion, sweeping fiercely at the many intruders, and roaring up to the sky.

Suddenly, the roar of the beast formed an extremely terrifying sound wave and spread. Those unlucky martial artists who were close and weak in cultivation were immediately shocked to rupture their eardrums and blood flowed.

Obviously, the throat of this talisman puppet has undergone a certain transformation, and its roar contains extremely strong sound waves.

Seeing that this talisman was so ferocious, the warriors were too frightened to withdraw tens of feet after another.

However, if you want to obtain the treasures in the ancient tomb, you have to defeat this rune puppet, they are inevitable!

"Everyone, this rune puppet is fierce and powerful. We have joined hands to form an array. If you want to get a piece of the tomb, you can pour your spiritual power into the killing array without reservation, and help me kill this rune puppet. beast!"

The black robe man stepped on Fengluan, hovering in the sky, and shouted with strict expression.

When the voice fell, he held a red jade slip in his hand.


As the explosion exploded, the bright red glow suddenly bloomed, and the rays of light were connected to each other, and in the blink of an eye they formed a huge mysterious light array in mid-air.

It is not difficult to see that this black robe man is clearly here this time.

"The Quartet Lore Array!"

Looking at the mysterious formation in the sky above, everyone's eyes flashed, and there was a touch of ecstasy in their eyes.

With this killing array, they want to kill this talisman puppet, undoubtedly much easier.


The talisman puppet obviously also felt the threat of the square lore formation, and immediately opened its savage giant mouth, and the silver-purple thunder energy gathered into a thick electric arc, and violently shot out from the mouth.


A terrifying electric arc hit the light array heavily.

Under the impact of this powerful energy, the rune light of that formation was instantly dimmed.

"This rune puppet is immortal, and none of you can enter the ancient tomb. If you want to get the treasure, please help!"

The voice of the black-robed man at this moment was also a little hastily urged.

Hearing this, Lin Yuqing, Li Changfeng, Lan Shanshan and others of the three major martial arts looked at each other, and they all nodded, and the vigorous spiritual power burst out suddenly.

"Swish swish swish!!!"

In the end, everyone present except Yang Zilei shot one after another. Pillars of spiritual power surged from all directions, and immediately poured into the light array.

Although this spiritual energy consumption is not safe for waiting to enter the ancient tomb, anyway, the black robe man's words are not wrong. To obtain the treasure in the tomb mansion, the premise is that this rune puppet must be killed.

Otherwise, no one can enter the entrance of the tomb mansion, and won't get the slightest benefit.


As hundreds of spiritual light beams poured into the rune light array, the giant light array that was about to be blasted by the rune puppet beast suddenly burst into light, and each rune became solid again.

The energy fluctuations that pervaded and spread were also several times stronger in an instant, and as the envelope fell, they directly trapped the talisman puppet beast unable to escape.

"So this is the killing array."

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was quite surprised.

This is the first time he has seen the rune killing array in this world, and it seems to be quite powerful.

At this time, the black-robed man was riding Fengluan, and he was in the center of the formation, his hands quickly changing with a strange seal.

"The Quartet Lore Array, Heaven and Earth Spirit Pillar!"

With a cold drink, the black-robed man immediately urged the array energy gathered by hundreds of warriors, and it suddenly condensed into a thick light beam of spiritual power, which fiercely shot at the huge body of the talisman puppet.


Suffering such a terrifying formation offensive, even the rune puppet beast could not stand it.

At the moment, the scales on the beast's body were directly exploded by abrupt blast, and white smoke appeared.

However, even though the rune puppet beast was hit hard, its body, as long as the energy core is not damaged, still possesses incalculable combat power.

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