
The talisman puppet beast in the form of a purple dragon and lion immediately opened its huge mouth, and the thunder spread madly, suddenly turning into a huge tornado thunder and lightning storm, sweeping to the surrounding warriors.

"Ah ah ah!!!"

Suddenly, screams screamed, and everyone who was caught in the thunderstorm was torn to pieces by the fierce thunder in an instant, and blood was spilled on the ground.

"This talisman puppet is really ferocious."

Looking at this tragic scene, Yang Zilei's pupils shrank slightly.

Unexpectedly, after so many warriors joined forces, and with the blessing of the formation, it was still unable to quickly kill this talisman puppet.

The black-robed man, Lin Yuqing and others of the three major clans, their expressions became a little serious at this time.

"The Quartet Lore Array, kill everything!"

Seeing this talisman puppet beast so tricky, the black robe man frowned, and his handprint changed rapidly again.

Suddenly, the aura energy in the formation violently stirred, and finally condensed into a huge mountain light and shadow in the sky, exuding amazing spiritual power fluctuations.

"Town kill!"

At the moment when the light and shadow of the mountain peaked, the black-robed man's eyes surged with cold light, and immediately pointed out that the mountain peak formed by the condensed spiritual power suddenly whizzed down and hit the talisman beast heavily.


Suddenly, the entire valley trembled at this moment, and the terrifying energy impact directly crushed the body of the Rune Puppet Beast, and the energy core in its body was also crushed forcibly, completely losing its combat power. .

"This talisman puppet was killed!"

Looking at the shattered rune puppet beast below the formation, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Then, with fiery eyes looking at the entrance of the ancient tomb mansion, greed and ecstasy flashed in his eyes!


When the formation rune dissipated, the black robe man rushed out into a black glow at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuqing and the others from the three major martial arts palaces, as well as the speed, rushed into the entrance of the tomb palace together.


Suddenly, a group of figures were almost full of energy, rushing towards the entrance of the ancient tomb, eagerly rushing towards the entrance of the tomb, with that look like crazy!

Yang Zilei also rushed into the ancient tomb mansion following the flow of people.

As he entered, Yang Zilei was surprised to find that the buildings here seemed to hollow out the interior of the entire mountain, and thus built a huge tomb with a very vast space.

Such a handwriting is extremely spectacular!

But right now, there were dozens of passages leading to the deep hall in the front bifurcation.

At this time, there are many warriors scattered into each passage, and it can only be seen who is lucky to find the treasure first.

Of course everyone knows that this kind of luck still needs the strength to guard, otherwise everything will be vanished.

The battle for the tomb has finally begun!

Yang Zilei didn't hesitate at all, just chose a channel to project forward, and then used Long Shadow Step to forcibly surpass everyone in this channel at an extremely fast speed.

Worried about what mechanism would be touched, Yang Zilei had been wearing an Ant-Man uniform along the way, and his small body was running fast.

However, I don't know if it was lucky or because Ant-Man was smaller in shape, but unexpectedly there were no terrible traps.

In this way, after he ran for about a few minutes, Yang Zilei saw a stone hut in front of him.

Although the stone house was tightly closed, Yang Zilei vaguely sensed a very strong spiritual energy fluctuation from there.

"There must be something good in it!"

Yang Zilei's heart moved, and he quickly moved closer, but just as he stretched out his palm and touched the moment of Shimen, he was suddenly shaken away by a strong energy wave.

Obviously, there is also an energy ban on this stone gate!

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