"Don't be afraid of death, you can try it first."

When Lan Shanshan was about to reply to Yang Zilei, Li Changfeng came over and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly. How did it sound that Li Changfeng from the Wufu House had a sourness in his words.

Yang Zilei glanced at Lan Shanshan next to him, looked at that beautiful profile, and suddenly understood what was going on.

At this time, the black robe man also came over and said: "The eight stone beast statues on the altar are all inscribed with runes. They are obviously guardian rune puppets. We are not many now. If he rushes forward, I am afraid that these sleeping rune puppets will be awakened, and they will fall into trouble.

As he said, the black robe man glanced at everyone present and continued: "So, to be on the safe side, let's wait for the others to arrive. As for whether we can obtain Senior Wu Tian’s Nine Tribulations Pill, it depends on everyone. Their respective chances."

His words were undoubtedly recognized by everyone, and they nodded one after another.

There was a glimpse of surprise in Yang Zilei's eyes. This sounded like a fair competition. How could he not know that the black-robed men were actually waiting for others to come and act as cannon fodder before they had the opportunity to approach the gray-robed skeleton.

After all, the more the number of people, the probability of being targeted by the talisman puppets will obviously be greatly reduced, and finally there will be a chance to get out.

Yang Zilei naturally agrees with this point, and everyone else has the same idea at this moment.

And this wait did not last long.

At the entrance of the eight passages around the main hall, a group of people soon came out continuously.

"Senior Brother Lin should be here soon, this kid is dead."

Looking at the martial artists Lu continued to enter the main hall, the two Divine Sea Realm masters of Xuanjian Wufu stared at Yang Zilei with gloomy eyes, and couldn't wait to see him waiting to be beaten up by Lin Yuqing. Tear off the mask used to hide ugliness.

"Look, that mysterious masked man is here too!"

At this moment, the group of people who had robbed the spirit body in the stone hall also rushed to the main hall.

When they saw Yang Zilei, their expressions suddenly tightened, and they left with some fear.

"What's the matter, you seem to be a little afraid of him?" one of them asked curiously.

"Can you not be afraid? Lin Yuqing of Xuanjian Wufu was defeated in his hands, and the storage ring was also robbed. It is estimated that he is still unconscious!"

"Huh? Lin Yuqing was defeated?!"

Hearing this, except for those who knew it, everyone in the main hall was taken aback.

Immediately, many people's expressions changed drastically, their eyes no longer contemptuous when they looked at Yang Zilei, their eyes filled with a little dignity.

"This guy, I just missed it"

Li Changfeng and the black-robed man stared at Yang Zilei with weird eyes. They were similar in strength to Lin Yuqing, but Yang Zilei was able to defeat him.

In other words, if you go alone, doesn't Yang Zilei also have a great chance of winning? !

Thinking of this, the two of them were shocked, and there was a strong look of surprise on their faces.

Until now, they finally understood why when they were outside the ancient tomb mansion, even when facing Lin Yuqing and others in the Xuanjian Wufu Mansion, Yang Zilei had not the slightest fear and even dared to take the blood of the beast.

It turned out that Yang Zilei's true strength was so powerful.

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