"Is he really that good?"

In Lan Shanshan's beautiful eyes, there was also a touch of surprise at this time, and it was obvious that Yang Zilei would hide so deeply.

But this guy seems to have a little knowledge of the martial arts realm. Where did he come from?

Staring at the indifferent eyes under Yang Zilei's mask, Lan Shanshan was quite curious, and she had the urge to take off Yang Zilei's face mask to see what this mysterious and powerful man looked like.

"How could Brother Lin lose to this miscellaneous repairman!"

"Yes, absolutely impossible!"

The most shocked of those present were the two Xuanjian Wufu disciples. They shouted angrily: "Whoever dares to slander our brother Lin's reputation, don't blame us for being polite!"

As they spoke, vigorous spiritual power fluctuations suddenly burst from them, revealing the strength of the Divine Sea Realm in the early stage.

"Believe it or not, your brother Lin's storage ring is on his body, that is the best evidence." One of the middle-aged men said non-committal.

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone present immediately projected to Yang Zilei's right hand.

On the **** and index finger, there are indeed two rings, one silver and one black.

Although they knew which one was Lin Yuqing's storage ring, the two Xuanjian Wufu disciples fixed their eyes firmly on the black ring. The unique sword-shaped carved ring body was indeed The storage ring that Lin Yuqing carried with him in the past.

"This... is really Brother Lin's storage ring, how is it possible?!"

Upon seeing this, the eyes of the two Xuanjian Wufu disciples shrank fiercely, and the frightened expressions on their faces suddenly became extremely ugly, and their eyes were full of shocked colors.

Hearing the storage ring, Yang Zilei also remembered at this moment that he had indeed snatched Lin Yuqing's ring, and because he was so busy coming to the main hall, he almost forgot about it.

Immediately, his heart moved slightly, and his consciousness quickly swept in. When he found a lot of things stored inside, his eyes lit up.

In this storage ring, there are about thousands of ling spars alone, and they are all high-quality ling spars. If converted into gold, they are worth tens of millions.

In addition to the more than 10,000 spiritual stones obtained in the stone house of the Tomb Mansion, his wealth is now a huge asset of nearly 200 million!

In addition to the spirit spar, there are some martial arts secrets and weapons, as well as the beast core of the purple dragon and lion, and the rest are all elixir in bottles.

Marrow Pills, Five Elements Blood Qi Pills, Golden Mang Chilin Pills, Spirit Gathering Pills and many other valuable elixir are all packed in a large bottle.

These pills, even if one is taken out at random, are definitely hot treasures for those low-rank martial artists present.

Even for some Wufu disciples, it must be an extremely irritating medicine.

Obviously, these medicines should be the opportunity that Lin Yuqing got during this trip to the ancient tomb, but before he had time to enjoy them, he changed hands and fell into Yang Zilei's hands.

"Yes, very rich."

A touch of surprise appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth, and he was very satisfied with the windfall.

And his expression, seen in the eyes of the two Xuanjian Wufu disciples, made them extremely angry in an instant.


The two of them glanced at each other, there was almost no nonsense, they drew out their long swords in a tacit understanding, and then rushed out violently, attacking Yang Zilei fiercely with extremely fierce and tricky swords.

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