Facing the offensive of the two men, Yang Zilei's eyes were also cold. At the same time his figure retreated, the Gatling machine gun, which had synthesized the core of the ice armor giant python beast, suddenly flashed out of his hands.

"Bang...boom boom boom!!!"

As the trigger was pulled, the deafening gunfire instantly exploded.

Suddenly, bullets the size of a thumb, with extremely cold energy aura, violently shot at the two Divine Sea Realm masters.

Facing these machine guns, the reaction speed of the two was not slow. The long sword in their hands burst into astonishing spiritual power fluctuations, directly splitting into countless sword auras to face the past.

For a time, the low impact sound continued to sound, and the bullets of the Gatling machine gun, the two of them were unexpectedly resisted.

Yang Zilei was not surprised by this result, and remembered a word Leng Yuyan had said to him at the end of the hunting competition in Longfei City.

That is to say, although this kind of armament weapon is strong, but in the later stage, facing the masters above the Shenhai realm, it is impossible to achieve much damage.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

However, this situation is not without a solution.

His god-level weapon system has the effect of synthetic strengthening. If a more advanced beast core is obtained, the power will definitely be improved.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei took out the beast core of the purple electric dragon and lion directly from Lin Yuqing's storage ring.

"Ding, I found the beast core of the sixth-order fierce beast, purple electric dragon and lion, is it synthetically strengthened?"


Yang Zilei did not have the slightest lag, and directly chose the Gatling gun and beast nucleus synthesis.

In an instant, the Tier 6 beast core in his hand disappeared, and the Gatling machine gun, which was still fully fired, also burst into dazzling light instantly, and stopped shooting.

"Ding, complete the enhancement. Congratulations to the host for acquiring a new weapon, Thunder Machine Gun, with an enhancement point of -600."

As soon as the sound of the system sounded, the Gatling gun in Yang Zilei's hand suddenly burst out of silver-purple electric light, a trace of thunder lingering around the gun body, filled with an extremely violent thunder energy fluctuation.

"Try my enhanced Thunder machine gun!"

Looking at the Gatling gun in his hand, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed crazy, a cold drink sounded, and his fingers pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

In that instant, the six barrels of guns turned quickly, and the sound like thunder, as fast as electric bullets, swiftly ejected from the muzzle.


When the weapon in Yang Zilei's hand suddenly changed drastically, and it exuded terrible thunder fluctuations, the two Divine Sea Realm masters of Xuanjian Wufu were suddenly shocked, and hurriedly exploded whole body spiritual power, condensing in front of them. Out of the body protector aura.

At the same time, the long swords in their hands were also swiping quickly, spurring fierce sword auras.

However, this kind of resistance maintained tightly a few dozen breaths of effort. The two long swords made of profound spirit iron were directly blown to pieces by the dense bullets.

"Bang!" "Bang!!"

Immediately afterwards, the aura shields on their bodies were also under the impact of the thunder bullets, almost simultaneously bursting open.

A shuttle bullet with violent thunder power, fiercely shot into their bodies.


Suddenly, a screaming scream sounded, and the two Xuanjian Wufu disciples fell to the ground covered in blood, dying, eyes filled with thick panic, and they couldn't lift it up in one breath, and completely lost their breath of life.

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