"Trouble now."

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Yang Zilei's eyes were slightly startled, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

I wanted to give a proper lesson, but I didn't expect that after the Gatling machine gun was strengthened by the sixth-order beast core, the firepower was too fierce, and Yang Zilei was also in ecstasy. He couldn't hold it all at once, and he killed them directly.

In this way, he and Xuanjian Wufu are undoubtedly going to completely forge a deadly feud!

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei's eyes appeared a little solemn, but fortunately he wore a mask and didn't reveal his identity. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

Moreover, even if Xuanjian Wufu sent someone to investigate, he should not be able to find him for a while.


Seeing this scene, everyone present stiffened in an instant, their eyes bulging, and they were shocked beyond words.

Especially those warriors who mocked Yang Zilei just now were almost completely stunned at this moment.

When they thought of ridiculing Yang Zilei's question about the Nine Tribulations Realm, their hearts trembled. Looking at Yang Zilei's gaze, they couldn't help but become a little afraid, praying that Yang Zilei could grow up in large numbers and don't care about them.

"This guy killed two Divine Sea Realm early stage all at once. It seems that Lin Yuqing really lost in his hands."

The black robe man raised his head slightly, revealing a slightly pale and stern face.

He glanced at Yang Zilei with a deep gaze, and immediately fell into the Gatling machine gun in his hand. He frowned and said inwardly: "With the cultivation base of the star realm, it can leapfrog the challenge and gain the advantage. This weapon is not simple. !"

After thinking about it, the black robe man suddenly moved, and he rushed directly towards the altar.

Obviously, the strength that Yang Zilei showed had already made him quite jealous, and he could no longer jointly win the Nine Tribulations Pill in the bones as planned.

The current plan is to get the Nine Tribulations Pill in the first step, is the safest.

As for the eight stone beast statues on the altar with potential threats, the black-robed man can no longer control so many.

"Look, someone has gotten on the ground first!"

"He didn't want his life, so he dared to rush up alone."

"Isn't this guy the one who spread the news about the tomb? It is said that he is very strong."

When the black-robed man suddenly swooped towards the altar, everyone's eyes were filled with surprise.

Immediately under the gaze of those many gazes, the figure of the black-robed man rushed into the bones with a face of enthusiasm and greed.


But at this moment, as the black robe man rushed in, as if touching the formation mechanism, a bright light burst out on the altar.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely strong air pressure suddenly enveloped him, directly suppressing the black-robed man to the ground. Even with the cultivation base of the black-robed man at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, he was suppressed and unable to move.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

In an instant, countless metal arrows emerged from the altar floor without warning, and instantly pierced the black-robed man with blood.

This sudden scene caused everyone's eyes to shrink suddenly, and a thick look of horror appeared on their faces.

Sure enough, there is a deadly mechanism on this altar!

In this regard, everyone could not help but feel a little grateful, but fortunately they did not act as cannon fodder because of greed.

Otherwise, the black-robed man will end up.

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