
At this moment, the light on the altar converged, but a slight sound suddenly came out.

When hearing this voice, Yang Zilei, as well as Li Changfeng, Lan Shanshan and others, all looked tight.

Because they found that the eight stone beast statues standing in every corner of the altar at this moment turned out to be awakened, and slowly stood up.

At the same time, waves of terrifying energy comparable to those in the Nine Tribulations Realm surged out of the eight stone beast statues.


In an instant, the roar of angry roaring beasts sounded one after another.

The powerful sound waves suddenly caused the entire hall to tremble slightly at this moment.


Looking at this scene, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, and the sound of inhaling air-conditioning continued to sound, and their faces were full of horror and horror.

Eight talisman puppets, that is to say, this is undoubtedly equivalent to eight Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouses!

"Run away!"

At this time, who would dare to worry about the Nine Tribulations Pill remaining in the bones, eight rune puppets equivalent to the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse, enough to completely wipe out hundreds of warriors here.

For a time, hundreds of figures hurriedly backed away in shock, trying to escape from the main hall.

boom! !

However, just as they were about to turn around and rush towards the exit, the eight talisman puppet stone beasts moved, and the speed was astonishing. The huge body of tens of meters was unexpectedly at an extremely rapid speed. Fall to the eight exits of the main hall.

Their huge bodies directly block all exits!

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei's eyes darkened. It seems that these rune puppet stone beasts are like robots in the previous life. They have been set up with a certain program. As long as someone touches the formation mechanism on the altar, it will be activated instantly and will break All the outsiders here are killed!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Zilei immediately summoned the Ant-Man uniform, which was directly reduced to an Ant-Man form that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Facing these rune puppet stone beasts that are as strong as the Nine Tribulations Realm, even if Yang Zilei possesses a weapon killer, he dare not take it lightly.

Bang bang bang! ! !

For a moment, the crowd in the hall fell into a panic and chaotic scene, and saw the rune puppet stone beasts dancing with huge stone claws, under the tyrannical force, carrying out a massacre like a broken bamboo.

Most of the low-level warriors in the spirit pill realm fell to the ground with blood and blood in one claw shot.

As for Lan Shanshan and Li Changfeng, who came from the martial arts forces, facing such offensives, the two were also unable to resist. If it hadn't been for the mysterious martial arts skills and the weird skills of their martial arts, they would have been injured long ago.

But even so, they are still miserable.

"You have already arrived here, you can't go home empty-handed."

Yang Zilei just wanted to leave, but his feet stopped, and immediately he glanced at the bones on the altar, and there was a faint and obscure energy aura from the bones.

Obviously, there must be a Nine Tribulations Pill in the body after the death of this strong man.

However, the life-threatening mechanism on the altar is not so easy to deal with.

The treasure was in front of him, causing Yang Zilei's eyes to flash quickly at this moment.

Damn it!

At the moment, Yang Zilei gritted his teeth and ran towards the altar with a slightly crazy expression...

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