Yang Zilei was wearing an Ant-Man battle uniform. Although he was small, his speed was not slow at all. He quickly swept over the altar and stood on the edge.

He glanced at the altar that was flattened again, and the blood-covered corpse, and there was a slight alertness in his eyes.

Looking at this seemingly peaceful altar, Yang Zilei was very clear about what a terrifying life-killing mechanism was hidden in it!

When the black-robed man stepped into the range of the formation just now, that terrifying aura suppressed, even if the former was capable of the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, there was no chance of escape.

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, and his body quickly grew bigger, suddenly returning to its normal size.

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei was not in a hurry to rush up. Instead, he took out an iron sword from the storage ring and threw it at the rune formation area in front.


The iron sword hadn't landed yet, and in an instant, the altar suddenly burst into dazzling light again, and then, a powerful energy wave spread, instantly forming a gas field suppression, directly suppressing the iron sword heavily.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

When the iron sword fell to the ground, thousands of sharp metal spikes suddenly appeared on the originally calm altar.

Then only heard a crisp sound of ‘dang’, the iron sword cracked every inch and turned into a pile of broken iron.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei's eyes suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This mechanism is too ruthless!

After witnessing it up close, Yang Zilei finally understood why the man in the black robe had almost no chance of escape just now.

In this kind of sudden aura suppression, and the rapid emergence of metal spikes, no matter how fast the reaction, I am afraid that it will be caught off guard.

On the altar, the metal spikes were slowly shrinking at this time, and they had already retracted underneath, and calm again.

An arc appeared in the corner of Yang Zi's mouth. Now that he knew how the opponent played cards, he also came up with some cracking methods.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei actually took out two grenades and threw them inside without delay.


Without any suspense, the two grenades were pressed down by the aura again, and the metal spikes were also pierced violently.

However, when the grenade touched the metal spike, it was instantly detonated.

Boom! !

An astonishing explosion sounded abruptly on the altar, and the metal spikes were directly broken by the fire.

At the same time, as the ground of the altar was destroyed, the formation runes seemed to have loosened, and the light quickly dimmed until it dissipated.

However, the gray-robed bones were like an old monk entering Ding. Under the impact of the grenade explosion, they still sat there untouched, and were not affected by anything.

"It's done!"

Yang Zilei's eyes lit up, and a little joy appeared on his face.

However, his movement here attracted the attention of the rune puppet stone beasts below.

Two of the puppet stone beasts, with pitch-black hollow eyes, suddenly locked Yang Zilei's figure.

"Bang!" "Bang!!"

Immediately rushing towards this place, at that swift speed, two bursts of air suddenly sounded!

Perceiving the two rune puppet stone beasts violently looting from behind, Yang Zilei's heart sank and hurried to the gray robe bones.

Looking at this skeleton at close range, I saw that each bone showed a charred color, and there were traces of cracks, which seemed to spread from the inside.

Yang Zilei was secretly stunned. It seemed that this senior Wu Tian had endured great pain when he was attacking the Nine Tribulations Realm.

In the Nine Tribulations Realm, there is indeed an unimaginable danger.

The winners were reborn, and their lifespan rose.

But the loser died and ended his life.

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