Yang Zilei stood in front of the gray robe bones, and didn't panic because of the rune puppet stone beast that was about to chase from behind.

"Senior, excuse me."

Yang Zilei had a solemn face, bent over the bones and bowed to the bow of a junior. Then he reached out his palms and lifted the gray robe slightly, and even discovered that a light ball was quietly suspended under the ribs of his chest.

In that light group, there is a round pill that seems to be condensed from heaven and earth aura, the whole body is red, covered with mysterious and mysterious dark gold patterns, and an obscure energy wave is faintly exuding.

"This is the Nine Tribulations Pill?!"

Yang Zilei's gaze was also focused on the flame-like Nine Tribulations Pill, with a little shock in his eyes, and then he grabbed it.

However, just when Yang Zilei's palm was about to catch the Nine Tribulations Pill, the sudden change occurred, and the scorched bone palm unexpectedly stretched out strangely, and suddenly grabbed Yang Zilei's palm.

Fuck, resurrected? !

Suddenly, Yang Zilei's complexion changed drastically, and his body hadn't had time to shrink and break free. The hollow, pitch-black eye sockets of the bones suddenly shot out a ray of light directly at the center of Yang Zilei's forehead.

Yang Zilei's heart was shocked, and his vision suddenly went dark, but his consciousness remained clear, as if he was in a pitch-black darkness.

"For the sake of your salute to my body just now, I won't hold you accountable for trespassing into the tomb mansion."

But at this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, which surprised Yang Zi.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei noticed that a flash of red light suddenly appeared in front of him, and immediately the red light spread, turning into a humanoid light and shadow.

This light and shadow, the whole body is illusory, obviously not a physical body, with a firm face, revealing a kind of superior temperament.

"You are the master of the Tomb Mansion, Senior Wu Tian?" Yang Zilei's pupils shrank slightly, staring at the light and shadow floating in the sky in surprise.

"No need to be nervous, this is just a piece of spiritual consciousness left in my body."

Wu Tian Xuying smiled indifferently, staring at Yang Zilei calmly, and said solemnly: "Since you can get here, we are also destined. I am a dead person and there is nothing worthy of nostalgia."

"But there is an obsession, which I have been lingering until now. This is before the failure of crossing the catastrophe, sealing a ray of spiritual consciousness in the body bones..."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei stared slightly, curiously asked: "What's the matter?"

"My natal talisman puppet, nine spirit puppet."

Wu Tian frowned, his eyes faintly filled with anger, and then continued: "More than a hundred years ago, I was a puppet master of the Great Yan Dynasty. I had inexhaustible resources. Later I practiced The Nine Spirit Puppets that have produced their natal talisman puppets can continuously upgrade with the strength of their bodies and have great potential."

"After this, I didn't want to be subject to the royal family anymore, but when I left, I was attacked and injured by the royal masters of the Great Yan Dynasty, intending to **** my Nine Spirit Puppet..."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei couldn't help asking: "Then the Nine Spirit Puppet was robbed?"

Wu Tian snorted coldly, and said angrily: "That's not true. If I was not poisoned at the time and couldn't spur more spiritual power, then with the few incompetent martial artists in the Nine Tribulations Realm of the Great Yan Dynasty, how could I hurt me the slightest !"

"Later, I escaped to the Miscellaneous Mountain Range, but I was poisoned in my body, and there was not much time. The only way was to hit the fifth stage of the Nine Tribulations Realm, otherwise I would definitely die, but if the impact failed, I would definitely die. "

"There is a dilemma. I had to use the talisman puppet to build this tomb in the valley, planning to hit the fifth stage of the Nine Tribulations Realm. If it fails, it can be considered as a burial place."

Yang Zilei couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't think that this talisman puppet master, who was called a ghost, had such a rough experience.

It is not difficult to imagine how angry and helpless Wu Tian was when faced with a dilemma.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei could already guess what Wu Tian's obsession meant.

That is, revenge!

After all, he was betrayed by the once-trusted dynasty, even poisoned and injured, and finally ended his life.

This kind of resentment, no matter who it is, is hard to let go.

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