"If you promise to avenge me and destroy the royal power of the Great Yan Dynasty, I will give you a good luck, how about it?"

Wu Tian stared at Yang Zilei deeply, and said solemnly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for randomly triggering a system task, do you receive it? 】

Before Yang Zilei responded, the electronically synthesized sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.


Yang Zilei said in silence immediately, every time the system task, he has gained a lot of benefits, this time naturally can not be missed.

In the next instant, a light curtain panel suddenly appeared in front of Yang Zilei's eyes.

[Random mission start: complete Wu Tian's long-cherished wish. 】

【Objective: Attack the Great Yan Dynasty and destroy the royal family. 】

[Reward: 1 million enhancement points, unlock the munitions mall, the redemption authority of the artillery series. 】

Looking at the rich rewards, Yang Zilei suddenly became excited.

Don't say that the 1 million strengthening points, just the unlocked artillery series of munitions weapons, made Yang Zilei very excited.

If the artillery is unlocked, then his combat power equipment is undoubtedly greatly improved by a level!

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task, otherwise, with the power of his current chaotic city, he would not be able to compete with the forces of the Great Yan Dynasty.

"What are you?"

Wu Tian looked suspicious, staring at the system light curtain in front of Yang Zilei, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Can you see it?" Yang Zilei was stunned, looking at Wu Tian in surprise.

By the way, this is my spiritual consciousness, and Wu Tian's spiritual consciousness is in my mind at this time, so the latter naturally discovered this existence!

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei's heart shook slightly. This was the first time he was discovered since he had a God-level armed system!

But fortunately, this Wu Tian is just a ray of spiritual consciousness, and it will disappear completely after a while.

"Although I don't know what it is, but the text message displayed above seems to have promised to avenge me."

When Wu Tian was puzzled, he didn't think much about it, and immediately said with a smile: "In this case, this good fortune is given to you."

After saying this, Wu Tian's illusory figure suddenly turned into a touch of red light, and rushed directly into Yang Zilei's body.

In an instant, Yang Zilei felt that a huge amount of information burst out in his mind.

This message seems to be the crystallization of Senior Wu Tian's lifelong practice, including a large number of talisman puppet refining methods and the hiding place of the Nine Spirit Puppets.

There, it was in the basement of the Great Yan Dynasty Palace!

Then, Yang Zilei's vision gradually returned to clarity, looking at the gray robe bones still sitting in front of him, he sighed inwardly, then grabbed the Nine Tribulations Pill directly into his palm, and put his hands into the storage bag.


At this moment, the rune puppet stone beast finally arrived violently, and the fierce dark eyes instantly locked Yang Zilei's body.

Obviously, the time for communicating with Senior Wu Tian in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge just now seemed to be long, but in this outside world, only a few dozen breaths of time passed.

The two rune puppet stone beasts are like fighters, without the slightest nonsense, directly waving their huge stone claws and blasting them at Yang Zilei.

The air was forcibly compressed under their claws, and two invisible strong wind waves were formed, which instantly enveloped Yang Zilei.

Yang Zilei took a deep breath, and his body quickly shrank under the influence of the Ant-Man battle uniform, directly avoiding the offensive of the rune puppet stone beast.

However, even so, the terrifying wind that swelled directly shook his tiny body like an ant, and flew out and fell to the bottom of the altar.

Such a formidable offensive, if it were hit head-on, I am afraid that all my muscles and bones would be instantly shattered!

Yang Zilei had no plans to head-on with this rune puppet stone beast. After landing, he quickly searched for the memory information that Senior Wu Tian left him.

After all, these rune puppet stone beasts were all refined by Wu Tian, ​​and there should be a way to crack them.


Soon, Yang Zilei found out how to control the rune puppet stone beast.

At the moment, his hands were fascinatingly printed, and his fingers curled around, pulling out a trace of spiritual power.

And the last rune imprint emerged from the finger, faintly exuding an obscure energy wave.

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