"Divine Sea Realm?!"

Lu Zong stiffened, staring at Yang Zilei in horror, and said in disbelief, "This... how is this possible!"

He couldn't imagine that Yang Zilei, who was more than two months ago, was only at the late stage of the Spirit Pill Realm, but in this short period of time, he actually broke through two great realms and reached the point of Divine Sea Realm!

This enchanting speed of cultivation, I am afraid that even the genius of Wufu can't match it, and only the true disciple of the sect level can match him.

"Sure enough, I guessed right, the boss really broke through again last time!"

Chen Si was surprised and happy at once, looking at Yang Zilei with reverence.

"Unexpectedly, the boss has hidden such deep strength, it is simply too powerful!"

Li Hu, Dayu Xiong and others next to them were also shocked at this time, and their eyes flashed with fanaticism, and they were very excited about this.

"This is not a place where you can come and play wild."

Yang Zilei's right palm was like iron tongs, firmly clasping Lu Zong's throat, and the cold voice made the latter feel the smell of death in his heart.

"Just... As the saying goes, the two countries are engaged in wars, and do not cut the troops. Besides, I am only a messenger who came to convey information, and the two sides did not fight. Since City Lord Yang is unwilling to accept King Yan’s kindness, I... I leave. ."

Facing the suppression of Yang Zilei's tyrannical strength, Lu Zong was so frightened that his legs became weak, and his voice trembled.


Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, his right palm and five fingers slammed hard, directly crushing Lu Zong's throat, completely ending the latter's life.

Regarding the degree of cruelty to the enemy, Yang Zilei undoubtedly belongs to that kind of decisive character.

This kind of dogged guy, Yang Zilei had long been murderous, and just took this opportunity to trigger a conflict with the Great Yan Dynasty, and thus entered the track of the system mission.


Looking at this scene, Chen Si and others were shocked, and obviously they did not expect that Yang Zilei would kill Lu Zong as soon as he shot.

This is a big deal!

You know, Lu Zong is the messenger of the Great Yan Dynasty, and now that his life is lost here, he is undoubtedly blatantly provoking the Great Yan Dynasty and causing war.

It wasn't until this moment that they truly understood that the hair Yang Zilei said before was not a slap in the face, but really wanted to attack the Great Yan Dynasty!

The boss is crazy!

But thinking about it from another angle, this time the Great Yan Dynasty came to find fault first. It actually intended to annex Hualong City and threatened Yang Zilei to submit. Others were bullied to their own heads. If they did not resist, they would really be regarded as soft persimmons.

There is no doubt that this war must be fought!

"Drag the corpse to dispose of it. Don't expose this matter first. When the Great Yan Dynasty discovers it, it should be able to slow down for a while." Yang Zilei said coldly.

"Yes, boss."

Li Hu solemnly nodded his head, and then he waved his hand and put the corpse into the storage ring, and then quickly left here, preparing to bury it.

"Patriarch Da, the training of the Dragon Blood Legion has been handed over to you recently."

Yang Zilei turned his gaze to Dayu Xiong, and said, "As soon as possible, grasp the way everyone is fighting guns."


Dayu Xiong's waist was straight, and he reported with a confident face: "Now the soldiers are very proficient in the operation and use of arms and weapons. Recently, they have been studying tactical training. Please rest assured, the boss."

Yang Zilei nodded secretly, the dragon blood clan fighters, there are about 10,000 people who can join the army. With their strong physique, they are equipped with munitions, and they are trained to become an army of the past and modern. The regular regiment of the dynasty.

"Boss, I sent several clansmen a while ago to other dragon blood tribes scattered across the mainland, and I have received news one after another."

Dayu Xiong thought of something at this time and immediately said: "They all hope that the boss can help solve the defects of the loss of reason after Dragonization, and in return, the dragon blood warriors of other tribes are willing to join our dragon blood army to guard the territory ."

For Yang Zilei, the man who created miracles for them, the whole dragon blood tribe was full of gratitude to him, because the appearance of Yang Zilei completely changed their living environment.

"no problem."

When he heard the unexpected news, Yang Zilei immediately welcomed him with joy.

The more Dragon Blood Warriors, the stronger the power he controls.

A small pack of functional solid drinks can gain the loyalty of the various tribes of the Dragon Blood clan, which is very cost-effective.

"Lin Tan, you can ask someone to make more manuscripts of these exercises, and then assign them to the soldiers for practice."

As Yang Zilei said, he took out several exercise secret books from the storage ring. These martial arts all came from the inherited martial arts of Xuanjian Wufu.

I had snatched Lin Yuqing's storage ring earlier, and there were quite a few middle-class and higher-grade martial arts in it.

Although there are munitions and weapons, the overall military strength of the army must also be improved before it can be strengthened.

Lin Tan received dozens of martial arts secrets, and her beautiful eyes flashed with joy.

These middle school martial arts are extremely rare in the market, but Yang Zilei lost more than a dozen copies of it!

Immediately, Lin Tan took it away cautiously as if he had won a heavy treasure.

Yang Zilei smiled faintly. Now that he has cultivated the top techniques such as Nine Dragons Good Fortune Jue, he doesn't like other low-level martial arts.

So it's better to throw them to your subordinates for cultivation and improve the overall combat power.

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