Since the city was built in the Michuan Mountains, there are more beasts foraging at night, and the danger has increased a lot.

Therefore, Hualong City adheres to the rules of a chaotic city in the past, and when night falls, it will close its gates.

In the evening, when the city gate was about to close, a line of merchants appeared.

These businessmen, in different shapes and outfits, do not have any badges with the Chamber of Commerce logo. They are obviously ‘fallen masters’ who travel all the year round.

The so-called falsification is to make use of the price differences in various regions and the circulation of information to do this kind of reselling business.

Under normal circumstances, the people who do these things are some big lords, so the alternative business name of "Lord Lord" is derived.

At this time, the head of this group of businessmen was a young man named "Kong Ming."

Although his age seems to be the youngest of all people, he is the leader of the team in terms of resourcefulness and ability, and in recent years, by virtue of the shrewd methods of buying and selling, he has gained a lot of money.

Today, this is Kong Ming’s return to the Michuan Mountain after three years. In his previous impression, there is a city on the periphery of the mountain, where dragons and snakes are mixed. Apart from the rich minerals, there is nothing else with commercial value. Characteristics.

And the only thing worthy of his attention is the beast cores obtained by those adventurers hunting in the mountains.

This time I came here, mainly because I heard rumors a while ago that a city lord named Yang appeared in the chaotic city here, and he made a big effort to build it. Just recently, I was busy with a large business. Come to see if there is any The commercial value of what investment.

However, he had not really entered the city yet, he was already shocked by the "Hualong City" in front of him.

Such a magnificent tower is indeed beyond his original imagination. Although it does not seem to be particularly large in scale, it has a majestic momentum!

The thick metal city gate is about to close at this time, and the city defense soldiers stationed there are tall and mighty. Although they are urging everyone to enter the city, their attitude is very polite, not as fierce and arrogant as the guards of other cities.

What surprised Kong Ming secretly was that among the city defense soldiers, there were many soldiers from the dragon blood clan, which could be easily distinguished from the horns on his forehead.

However, these dragon blood warriors, in this lively street, not only did not evade, but also talked and laughed with some city defense soldiers. They were not at all inferior and self-destructive as in the rumors.

"It's incredible!"

As he entered the city, Kong Ming was more surprised.

Because of merchandise reselling, he walked in various dynasties all year round, and his vision was very broad. Although the buildings in the city were not so magnificent, they could not conceal the distinctive and advanced architectural style, and the whole layout was also extremely harmonious.

"This must be the work of a certain top architect, who has worked hard!"

Kong Ming was surprised in his heart and gave the highest evaluation, admiring him.

"Unexpectedly, the speed of development here is so fast, I really want to meet the city owner."

Kong Ming was very interested in the city lord surnamed Yang at this moment.

In this way, Kong Ming wandered around the city for about half an hour. He suddenly found a store with the best location on the main street. Although the store was closed at this moment, there were many people in line outside the store.

In the team, there are some familiar faces he knows.

"Mr. Kong Ming, did you come here on purpose after hearing the news that City Master Yang reopened the arms shop?"

At this time, a fat businessman who was queuing noticed Kong Ming and immediately asked with a smile.

Although he was saying hello, he never left his position, lest he would be cut in by someone else.

Tomorrow morning is the opening day, but the goods sold are limited, and he has to get a little bit before he is willing.

"Arms shop?"

Hearing this, there was a hint of surprise in Kong Ming's eyes. Looking at the fat businessman in the line, he couldn't help but feel a little curious. He immediately looked up at the plaque on the shop.

The five red gold characters of "Super Arms Shop" are very conspicuous.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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