After a while.

Under the leadership of Lin Shuang, Yang Zilei and the others rode a huge ice-armored beast through a winding mountain road and came to the middle of the mountain.

As far as the line of sight is here, there are towers of palaces and pavilions, spreading to the top of the mountain, extending from the stone road paved with ice crystal jade, leading to everywhere.

As it deepened, the number of female disciples who were active nearby gradually increased, and all kinds of silver bell-like laughter continued to spread, overflowing with fragrance.

Looking at the pretty and slim female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, Yang Zilei felt pleasing to the eye.

Chen Si couldn't help taking a deep breath, his expression a bit intoxicated.

Because here, it looks like a daughter country, with countless beauties, and it is the fairyland on earth that many men dream of!

"The main hall is on the top of the mountain. Without the permission of Elder Leng, I can't take you up without authorization."

At a staircase leading to the top of the mountain, Lin Shuang suddenly stopped, looked at Yang Zilei and said, "I'll go to inform Elder Leng first, and you will wait a moment here."

"Well, trouble you."

Yang Zilei smiled lightly and nodded, and immediately raised his eyes to look upwards, and saw that on the top of the mountain, there was an exceptionally huge ice-blue pavilion, surrounded by aerosols, adding a touch of dust.

Obviously, this is the main hall of Bingling Pavilion, and it is also Leng Yuyan's exclusive practice place.

"no need."

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a pale blue shadow, stepping on the Snow Lotus Martial Spirit, hovered over the heads of Yang Zilei and the others, exuding an aura of coldness.

This person is Leng Yuyan.

She still wears a thin veil on her face, and her beautiful contour is full of reverie.

"See Elder Leng."

Lin Shuang, as well as the nearby Bingling Pavilion disciples, immediately bowed and saluted respectfully.

Leng Yuyan looked at Yang Zilei with indifferent eyes as she cleared her eyes and said, "Chenchen is now soaking in the ice and snow spirit pool, washing his muscles and marrow every day, preparing to attack the spirit veins, and he cannot come out within a month."

"so long?"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was startled. There is still a month left before the Hundred Dynasties Competition, and he cannot stay here too much.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei sighed secretly, it seems that this time it was a trip for nothing.


Suddenly, a thick and resounding bell sounded suddenly in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several bells rang one after another!

Yang Zilei was slightly surprised, not knowing what was going on.

"Swish swish swish!!!"

In an instant, more than a hundred figures gathered from all sides of the Ice Spirit Pavilion.

These people are all uniformly dressed female disciples, all with tyrannical auras, and among them there are strong women who have achieved the first level of the Nine Tribulations Realm.

"The inner gate competition is about to begin!"

Lin Shuang's eyes flashed and said with joy.

"Inner door competition?" Yang Zilei looked at Lin Shuang suspiciously.

"You are very lucky. Today is the day for our inner disciples of the Cangqiang Wufu Palace to compete. If Elder Leng allows, you can come and observe."

Lin Shuang looked excited. Although she was an outside disciple, she could watch the competition of the senior brothers and sisters, and could also refer to the use of martial arts and increase her knowledge.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, turned his eyes to Leng Yuyan who had fallen to the ground from mid-air, and smiled: "Chenchen can't see it, can you show me the excitement?"

Leng Yuyan groaned for a while, but did not refuse, and said lightly: "Let's not take this as an example."

Immediately, she seemed to have thought of something, looked at Yang Zilei, and asked, "Do you still have your arms and weapons?"

Yang Zilei asked, "Do you want to buy?"


Leng Yuyan nodded slightly, and immediately looked at the gathered disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, and said, "To be precise, it should be them."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was startled slightly and couldn't help asking, "What kind of gun do you want?"

Leng Yuyan said indifferently: "The kind of multi-barreled heavy guns you used in hunting games and those iron eggs that can explode."

When Yang Zilei heard this, he knew that what Leng Yuyan was talking about was the Gatling gun and grenade.

However, in order to prevent others from threatening Hualong City with such weapons, Yang Zilei has not sold these destructive weapons since he became the lord of the city.

But the beauty is now, plus the daughter's master, Yang Zilei did not directly refuse.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( fantasy: the opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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