Yang Zilei asked curiously: "I take the liberty to ask, what are you planning to let them buy?"

Leng Yuyan bluntly said without hesitation: "Use this time for Wufu Naibi to improve their combat power."

Upon hearing this, the female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion who were present suddenly looked slightly startled and looked at Leng Yuyan with joy.

They knew that Cangqiang Wufu had eight peaks, and each peak had one pavilion. In order to promote the cultivation of the disciples in the mansion, the Wufu Naibi was held every year. Anyone who won the competition would be able to allocate more training resources.

However, the disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion are all women. Compared with the male disciples of other palaces, leaving aside the martial arts talent, they do not have that advantage in combat power.

Therefore, in previous years of Wufu Naibi, Bingling Pavilion can only be regarded as the bottom-most existence, so the allocated training resources are naturally the least.

"So that's the case, then I will make an exception."

Yang Zilei's heart moved slightly, and he acquiesced.

Although the Gatling gun is highly lethal, the bullets are used up, which is equivalent to scrap iron.

Therefore, Yang Zilei did not worry about the risk of being exiled to the outside world during this sale, and thus being caught by those dynasties.

Immediately, Yang Zilei sank and checked the system enhancement points [50,000+]

The exchange price of the Gatling gun is 3000 fortification points, and the number of female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion is about 135.

In other words, 405,000 strengthening points are needed.

As for the grenade, let alone everyone should prepare about ten.

The exchange price of each grenade is 100 enhancement points, which is equivalent to 135,000.

As a result, the demand for arms exchange this time will have at least 540,000 enhancement points.

"Fortunately, before going out this time, I stored five thousand catties of profound spirit iron in the storage ring as a spare."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth was curved, avoiding embarrassment in front of so many beautiful women.

Five thousand catties of profound spirit iron, if converted by a hundred times, can convert 500,000 strengthening points.

Coupled with the original more than 50,000 strengthening points, it is just enough for this expenditure.

"You may have misunderstood, there are only five disciples in the Ice Spirit Pavilion this time."

Perceiving that Yang Zilei's eyes seemed to be counting the number of people, there was a rare smile in Leng Yuyan's beautiful eyes.

When Leng Yuyan's voice fell, he saw five female disciples walking out of the crowd.

Perhaps because of martial arts, their figures are well maintained.

The skin is fair and smooth, and the face is delicate.

They are definitely first-class beauties.

Yang Zilei was happy.

For five people, that would be a great solution.

Immediately, his eyes condensed slightly, and he swept towards the five women.

The tyrannical aura exuding from them was obviously the few nine-tribulation realm powerhouses he had just sensed.

But compared to his eight rune puppet stone beasts, it was still slightly lower.

Even the short-haired beautiful girl who leads the strongest, the strength is estimated to be the double cultivation base of the Nine Tribulations Realm.

However, at this age, there is such a cultivation base, which is very powerful.

"A while ago, Bingling Pavilion had held a competition for selection."

Leng Yuyan glanced at the five people, then cast his gaze on Yang Zilei, "They are the best five among all the disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion. If they can be assisted by arms and weapons, this time the Wufu Naibi should be able to increase. A lot of combat power."

Yang Zilei didn't talk nonsense, and directly called up the light curtain panel of the system mall...

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