After quickly selecting, Yang Zilei clicked to redeem.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful exchange. Strengthen points are 20,000."

At the moment when the sound of the system sounded, five Gatling guns and fifty blasting grenade suddenly flashed on the ground in front of Yang Zilei.

"Huh? Why doesn't the appearance of this weapon look like you are in a hunting game?"

Leng Yuyan looked at the five Gatling guns and couldn't help but wonder.

In her opinion, although this weapon is strong, it is only effective against warriors within the Divine Sea Realm.

But it was the Divine Sea Realm, or even the most powerful master of the Nine Rings Tribulation Realm, but it couldn't have much impact.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei felt stunned.

At that time, his Gatling machine gun synthesized the beast core of the fourth-order fierce beast ice armor giant python. After strengthening, the shape must be different.

"It's easy."

Yang Zilei obviously didn't plan to pay for it by himself, and smiled faintly: "I need five beast cores of the highest grade, and five thousand catties of high-grade metal, profound spirit iron."

Leng Yanyan glanced at Yang Zilei in surprise.

For this demand, she was a little surprised.

Can it be refined on the spot?

When he was puzzled, Leng Yuyan waved his delicate hand.

In an instant, light flashed by, and five beast cores of the same shape and color were suspended in the void.

Yang Zilei took a closer look.

But I saw the five beast cores, the whole body was crystal clear, the surface seemed to be covered with a layer of fine scales of ice armor, faintly exuding a breath of extremely cold energy.

And in the beast core, there is a strand of beast spirit sealed, resembling a leopard beast, ferocious and fierce.

These beast cores were all Tier 6 fierce beasts, ice scale snow leopards.

Then, a metal hill about two meters high suddenly flashed out of thin air.

This pile of metal, dark green all over, is filled with strong spiritual fluctuations.

There is no doubt that it is Xuan Ling Tie!


Yang Zilei secretly licked his lips, and had a new idea of ​​Leng Yuyan's wealth.

Just from this shot, there are five sixth-order beast cores and five thousand catties of profound spirit iron, you can see that this woman is definitely a rich woman!

"Ding, testing five Tier 6 beast cores, do you strengthen the weapon?"

Immediately, Yang Zilei pretended to sit on the ground cross-legged, holding five beast cores in his left hand, and pressing the five Gatling guns in his right hand.


When the system command was issued, a bright light burst out of his hands, causing the surrounding female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, including Leng Yuyan, to close their eyes lightly.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Zilei put all the mysterious spirit iron into his storage bag.

"Ding, complete the enhancement, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new weapon, five ice armor machine guns, and an enhancement point of -3600."

The light suddenly disappeared when the sound of the system sounded.

Leng Yuyan and the others condensed their eyes slightly, and immediately moved forward, suddenly their pupils shrank slightly.

Because they discovered that the five black machine guns in front of Yang Zilei at this time turned into a peculiar shape with a white body covered with ice scales!


The female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion at the scene opened their small mouths slightly, and their pretty faces were full of shock, staring at Yang Zilei in a daze.

Rao is Leng Yuyan, who has always had a heart that is still like water. At this moment, there is also a touch of surprise that cannot be concealed in his beautiful eyes.

Leng Yuyan admits to have seen a lot of master craftsmen, but he has never seen him like Yang Zilei, no need to light fire, forge iron, smelt...

Almost all the refining equipment has no step-by-step process, and various materials can be combined to refine weapons in a blink of an eye.

This unprecedented method of refining has completely subverted Leng Yuyan's previous cognition!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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