"Your refining method is very peculiar, beyond my imagination."

Leng Yuyan calmed down her emotions and gave Yang Zilei a deep look.

"How about trying the weapon first."

Yang Zilei smiled, but changed the subject.

Hearing that, the five female disciples who participated in the competition immediately came over with a novel look.

Although the Gatling machine guns are heavy, their cultivation level has reached the Nine Tribulations Realm, their weight is not worth mentioning.

But seeing the five female disciples shaking their hands, they each picked up a machine gun, as easily as holding a brush.

"This is a bullet chain with two thousand rounds in total."

Yang Zilei touched the storage ring with his fingers and took out five long bullet chains.

Then asked Chen Si to load her bullets separately and briefly explained the operation method.

The beautiful girl with short hair, named Su Qi, was the first to try, facing the rock not far away, and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the deafening gunfire suddenly exploded.

Because this mountain is covered by a guardian mask, the amazing sound of gunshots will not come from outside.

But even so, Su Qi was shocked and almost threw the machine gun in his hand.

But then, when she saw the rock she had just shot, she couldn't help taking a breath.

However, I saw that the rock that was about half a person high was already shattered at this time, and the rubble seemed to be frozen, and the surface was covered with a layer of ice.

"It's so powerful!"

Su Qi, who was still pale just now, immediately showed a touch of surprise on his face.

Although in the case of using Reiki, launching a martial arts offensive can also cause such damage.

But the two are completely different in nature.

Because this machine gun does not need to use aura at all, as long as you move your finger, you can fire such a terrible shot.

Those so-called sword auras are undoubtedly weak compared to this.

Seeing this scene, the female disciples were shocked.

Obviously, I didn't expect this weapon to be so powerful.

No wonder Elder Leng suddenly wanted to equip Su Qi and the five with weapons.

This powerful and ferocious killer undoubtedly increased their combat power by a large amount in an instant!

"Yes, the power is more powerful than I thought."

Leng Yuyan nodded in satisfaction, "And it seems stronger than the weapon you used before."

For this compliment, Yang Zilei smiled quietly.

He used to synthesize the fourth-order beast core of the ice giant python in the forest of magic fog.

Compared with the current Tier 6 beast core, it is two levels behind, and the energy gap contained is huge, which naturally determines the different levels after strengthening.

But now, when Yang Zilei's Gatling machine gun was in the Tomb Mansion last time, it synthesized the Tier 6 beast core of the purple electric dragon and lion, and its power was not weaker than these five ice armor machine guns.

"With this spear combined with the spiritual power of the spirit, the attack power can be even stronger."

Looking at Su Qi who was delighted, Yang Zilei reminded him.

Knowing that the weapon could be stronger, Su Qi and the five of them suddenly flashed their eyes, and the surprise on their faces became more intense.

Then, Yang Zilei took out a large amount of beast cores from the storage ring.

In the Michuan Mountains, the most indispensable is beast cores, but most of what Yang Zilei collects are low-level beast cores of Tier 1 and Tier 2.

These things, used to strengthen the one-time consumption grenades, could not be better.

If you synthesize a grenade with a high-level beast nucleus, although it is powerful, it is a bit too wasteful.

After receiving Leng Yuyan's five thousand catties of profound spirit iron, Yang Zilei has already made a fortune.

So these fifty low-level beast cores were treated as free gifts.

Next, Yang Zilei did the same. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, he quickly synthesized and strengthened all fifty grenade, and synthesized blasting grenade of various forms.

For example, a grenade that has a flaming fox core synthesized, once it explodes, the sky can swallow people in an instant.

And the grenade that synthesized the blasting demon wolf beast core was a gust of wind, sweeping up the broken iron pieces, forming a tornado blade, and its lethality was extremely terrifying.

"This year's Wufu Naibi, our Bingling Pavilion will definitely stand out!"

The faces of Su Qi and others were bright, and then they put the allocated arms and weapons into the storage ring, one by one, they looked confident.

"I will pay you how much all these weapons cost."

Leng Yu Yanyu waved her hand, the storage ring on her finger flickered, and a mouthful of delicate treasure chest suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The treasure chest was open, but there were many ling spars neatly placed in it. At a glance, this treasure chest estimated that there were thousands of ling spars.

It can be seen that Leng Yuyan does not have the gold card of the secular world, and the currency used is mainly the spiritual stone of the martial arts world.

"It really is a rich woman~!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei couldn't help feeling.

Judging from its posture, it seems that as long as he gives a price, he can take it for himself.

"It's just a matter of effort. These weapons are considered to help you Ice Spirit Pavilion."

However, he had already made a fortune just now, and Yang Zilei would naturally not ask for it again at this moment. Instead, he showed a generous and generous force.

"I Leng Yuyan, I never owe others favors."

However, Leng Yuyan was indifferent and indifferent.

"If you don't want to make a price, then all the spiritual stones in this box will be given to you. We don't owe each other."

After that, as the spiritual energy surging under Leng Yuyan's feet, the martial spirit of Ice Crystal Snow Lotus suddenly condensed, and the whole person floated directly, and then flew towards the central core area of ​​the Cangqi Wufu.

There, it was the main peak of Cangqiong Wufu, which was the site of today's Wufu Naibi, Cangxuan Mountain.

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