Yang Zilei was startled slightly, apparently he didn't expect that Leng Yuyan would be so lavish and directly threw this box of spirit spar here.

"Our elder Leng is arrogant, you should accept it."

Su Qi smiled at Yang Zilei, then urged: "In half an hour, Naybi will start, don't miss it."

He raised his eyebrows, looking at the path in the sky that quickly went away, like a beautiful figure like a fairy, the corners of his mouth were curved.

This Leng Yuyan is quite individual.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei did not pretend to be hypocritical, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly put the box of spirit spar into the storage ring.

Immediately, Yang Zilei, surrounded by many beautiful female disciples, descended the mountain together and rushed towards the main peak.

The main peak is as high as five thousand meters, the mountain is extremely large, and it exudes an invisible pressure.

The main hall square, with a radius of ten miles, is flat and vast, as if a martial arts expert is digging out the mountain with sword energy.

At this time, tens of thousands of people had gathered in the giant square in front of the main hall.

In this, in addition to the main disciples of Cangqiong Wufu, there are also high-level figures of other Wufu forces, as well as people from the Wufu Alliance Guild.

The Cangqiwu Mansion invited them to watch Naybi, which also meant to show the strength of the younger generation of disciples.

The square has been divided into eight areas, each area is covered by an array of light curtains, separated from the ring.

These array light curtains can isolate the spiritual power and prevent the offensive from falling into the audience during the fight.

Yang Zilei had already followed Su Qi and the others, and arrived at the main peak square.

Due to the suppression of Cangxuan Mountain's aura, Chen Si's cultivation base was too low to climb the mountain, so he could only wait at the Ice Ling Pavilion.

And Yang Zilei, standing among the many female disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, undoubtedly attracted the attention of many male disciples of the Martial Palace.

"Is that guy?"

Seeing Yang Zilei approaching, a black-clothed young man standing in the crowd narrowed his eyes and whispered to an inner disciple beside him.

"Yes, that guy is called Yang Zilei. It is said that he is the boss behind the arms store. It was he who injured Junior Brother Qin at the gate of Wufu."

"Oh? It turns out that this kid opened that very popular arms store recently."

The corners of the black-clothed youth's mouth raised, with a hint of disdain in his smile, and said lightly: "What's the use of such a weapon without martial arts skills."

"Yes, during the last test, the disciples Qin Feng met with a weapon called AK47 made a very strong shooting sound, but even your body protector aura can't be broken, so it fools people. That's it."

The disciple next to him looked contemptuous, and smiled at the black-clothed youth as if to please: "And that kind of scrap iron actually costs 80,000 taels of gold, just like a black shop."

"It is said that several of the disciples who participated in Naybi this time used that kind of weapons."

Qin Feng stared at the figure of Yang Zilei, and said sarcastically: "He just happened to be here. I will let this kid see with my own eyes how his arms and weapons turn into a pile of scrap iron under my sword. "

At this moment, Yang Zilei in the crowd suddenly turned his head and glanced at him calmly.

Looking at each other, Yang Zilei smiled faintly, and then withdrew his gaze.

Qin Feng's heart shuddered.

Obviously, I didn't expect that Yang Zilei's sensitivity was so keen that he could even detect others' secret observation!

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