"Boss, he is the one who discovered the veins, the captain of this survey team."

Li Hu called the middle-aged captain and said with a smile, "This guy is very good. A member of the same team wanted to embezzle and attacked but was killed by him and then ran back to report."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei looked pleased and exclaimed: "Your job responsibilities are worthy of my admiration. This box of things will be given to you as this reward."

The sound fell, and a large box appeared on the ground in front of the middle-aged captain.

When I opened it, there were a lot of spiritual stones neatly placed inside.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of them.

"This... is this for me?"

The middle-aged captain suddenly took a breath, and his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

I originally thought that this reward would be at most a hundred ling spars.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the City was so proud that he gave himself thousands of spiritual stones at once.

With so much wealth, he already has a family situation where he cannot make ends meet, and he will completely change and lead a good life without worries.

"Hurry up and take it." Chen Si said with a smile, "You deserve it."

"Thank you City Lord, thank you so much..."

The middle-aged captain's eyes were red, and he thanked again and again with excitement, and then accepted the box of spirit spar.

He also felt wise for his previous choice in his heart.

Although this box of spirit spar is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket compared to the Xuanling iron vein.

But at least, he could accept it with peace of mind, and was promoted by Yang Zilei.

This kind of gain, in the eyes of the middle-aged captain, is even more valuable!

"Boss, in the near future, the dynasty forces around the Michuan Mountains should come to investigate the reality. We'd better be prepared as soon as possible!"

Kong Ming said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this topic, Yang Zilei also thought carefully.

Every husband is not guilty, but he is guilty of his crime.

He understood this famous saying in the past.

With such a huge vein of Xuanling iron ore, in the tiny place of Hualong City, no dynasty force would have the slightest fear.

This has also led to the fact that many forces will come to **** it.

"Kong Ming, let the order go on and immediately build a wall around it to connect Hualong City. It must be completed in a short time!"

"Let the sentries increase the scope of investigation. If a suspicious person appears nearby, just catch it!"

"Assemble all the miners, no matter how much they mine every day, they all hand them in to me."

Yang Zilei began to have a plan in his heart, and orders came out quickly.

His current system enhancement points, about five million values, can just be exchanged for five cannons from the arms mall.

Even if there is an invasion by the enemy, artillery will make up for the scarcity of soldiers.

And if some powerful beast cores are synthesized, it will be a devastating weapon in a crowded battlefield!

However, the exchange price of a shell is 10,000 fortification points, which is very expensive.

In order to prevent insufficient armaments, more metal must be collected to prevent it.


Kong Ming, Chen Si and others nodded their heads and hurriedly started to live.

In this way, in the following days, this area began to build the prototype of the wall.

With the experience of creating a city last time, everyone is familiar with the road.

Moreover, the fortification of the wall is much simpler than that of the house, as long as it faces up straight and is as strong as possible.

The mining of the veins was also carried out at the same time.

During mining, all miners are not allowed to communicate with the outside world, and of course their salary is extremely high.

With the high profits of the arms store, Yang Zilei didn't have to worry about money.

As for the Hundred Dynasties Competition, Yang Zilei did not move and chose to retire quietly.

Just kidding, there is no need for such a large metal vein to compete for hundreds of millions of taels of gold.

Although externally, it only claimed that a relatively precious common metal vein was discovered here.

However, as the news leaked, some suspicious characters began to appear in the Michuan Mountains.

These guys dressed up like adventurers, but Yang Zilei didn't care who they were, so they were caught first and then tortured.

And just as Yang Zilei had guessed, these so-called adventurers, their true identities, were all the eyeliners sent by the three surrounding dynasties to come here to explore the reality.

The three dynasties were the Dayan Dynasty, Qingyun Dynasty, and Ziluo Dynasty.

After catching these eyeliners, although the dynasty forces were suspicious, as the date of the Hundred Dynasties Contest approached, they put it aside for the time being.

In this way, because of the Hundred Dynasties Competition, Yang Zilei had a whole month to develop.

In just one month, the huge metal fence finally stood up behind Hualong City, covering the entire Xuanling iron ore vein.

With this wall, it also completely blocked the dynasty whistle who wanted to come to investigate the news.

However, after one hundred secrets were sparsed, the Dayan Dynasty and other forces finally got the real news of the Xuanling iron veins from the relatives of those miners.

But at this time, Yang Zilei had completely built various defensive military fortresses.

The number of cannons alone has increased to 100, guarding each area of ​​the city wall.

As for other individual weapons, shoulder-fired rocket launchers and mortars, a company was formed.

Such a powerful armament lineup, as long as it is not invaded by military forces, any dynasty army will be difficult to break.

This morning, in the city lord's mansion.

Yang Zilei converted all the nearly two hundred thousand catties of profound spirit iron that had just been mined these days into strengthening points.

Immediately, he moved his mind and called up the system light curtain panel.

Yang Zilei's gaze was fixed on the column of cultivation base.

[Repair base: Nine Tribulations Realm Fourfold'+' 0/26.8 million]

After this period of crazy mining veins, he has enough profound spirit iron, in addition to buying a large number of munitions and materials, the other is used to upgrade the cultivation base.

Although Hualongcheng's defense is already very strong, the most important thing is to rely on personal strength.

Otherwise, when the enemy sends a master of the Nine Tribulations Realm, it will be enough to kill everyone in the city.

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host's cultivation base for upgrading to the five levels of the Nine Tribulations Realm, with a strengthening point of 26.88 million."

Then, Yang Zilei lightly tapped the ‘+’ sign behind the repair base.

Suddenly, the surrounding heaven and earth aura condensed crazily, rushing into Yang Zilei's body violently.

In an instant, he raised his cultivation to the five levels of the Nine Tribulations Realm, and his whole body exuded vigorous spiritual energy fluctuations.

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