With systematic protection, every level of Yang Zilei's impact on the Nine Tribulations Realm was a matter of course, completely avoiding any risks.

It's just that the consumption enhancement point is a bit exaggerated.

Such as this time raising to the five levels of the Nine Tribulations Realm, directly used up 26.88 million strengthening points.

The next upgrade, the six levels of the Nine Tribulations Realm, the required strengthening points will undoubtedly double again, reaching a value of more than 50 million!

Such a superposition, if you want to be promoted to the **** of transformation, I am afraid it will be an extremely large number.

Yang Zi Leiguang felt his heart tremble after thinking about it.

At this moment, Chen Si hurriedly walked into the hall.

"Boss, after the Hundred Dynasties Contest, the three surrounding dynasties have really moved."

Chen Si immediately notified Yang Zilei of the information he had received.

"What's going on?" Yang Zilei was calm.

Chen Si's expression was quite solemn, "The tripartite forces have already begun to deploy troops and generals, and they seem to be preparing to occupy our Hualong City first."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed with cold light, "It seems that these dynasties regard our Hualong City as golden eggs. Whoever beats it first will get it first."

Chen Si frowned and said, "The Dayan Dynasty nearest to us is probably the first group of enemy troops to come first."

The Great Yan Dynasty?

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly. His system mission had settled for half a year, and it was time to start implementing.

"Pass the order and call Kong Ming and the others here."

"Yes, boss."

Hearing Yang Zilei's order, Chen Si walked out the door quickly with a solemn expression.

After a while.

Kong Ming, Dabo Xiong, Chen Si and many other high-level people gathered in the hall.

At this time, the table in the center of the hall was gone, replaced by a large military sandbox.

The map on the sand table is the Michuan Mountains and the power areas of the three surrounding dynasties.

"Our Hualong City is backed by the Michuan Mountains. It is not easy to march in the dense forest, and there are many fierce beasts blocking it."

As a military division, Kong Ming, holding a thin stick in his hand, sketched on the map above, “If you want to march and fight in Pingchuan, the enemy’s attack point can only be attacked from the front gate of the city.”

"So, we only need to gather most of our troops in front of the city gate to resist the enemy."

Yang Zilei and others nodded slightly, agreeing with Li Hu's analysis.


Kong Ming shook his head at this time, "If the enemy commander is a bit brainy, he probably wouldn't use the traditional siege method."


Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows. He didn't quite understand the layout of the war.

Kong Ming glanced at the people present, and continued: "If I were an enemy commander, I would first send flying cavalry to feign attacks from the mine veins behind the city, attracting Hualong City's forces to concentrate there."

"Finally, when the strength of the city gate is greatly reduced, the main force will be attacked."

Kong Ming pointed to the mineral vein area behind the city and grinned: "So, we will plan to ambush the main force of the Dragon Blood Legion in the mineral vein area in advance. If the enemy air cavalry dare to invade, let them come back and forth!"

Chen Si couldn't help asking: "In this way, our troops will fall to the gate of the city, what should we do?"

"This is not difficult to solve."

Kong Ming smiled indifferently and said, "Don't the boss have a hundred artillery, all of them are arranged at the gates of the city, and then the firepower is fully opened. In a short time, it should be able to suppress the enemy and hold on to the city."

"In the meantime, the dragon blood army has wiped out the enemy air cavalry, and can rush to the city gate to support it."

"Even if the enemy did not send air cavalry as a feint, with 90 artillery bombardment, the Dragon Blood Army team would have plenty of time to arrive."

When they heard more than a hundred cannons, the eyes of Chen Si, Li Hu and others suddenly lit up.

This kind of lethal and powerful weapon is their biggest trump card in Hualong City!

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