"So... with this kind of layout, once the war begins, we won't be arrogant and let the enemy have a chance."

Kong Ming's eyes were shining with confidence, and he had a kind of strategist spirit.


A smile appeared on Yang Zi Leiton's face, and he nodded in appreciation.

This arrangement of troops is indeed very clever.

Any invasion route of the enemy is completely blocked.

"However, there is one thing I can't control."

Kong Ming suddenly looked serious, "For example, a powerful warrior who is beyond my expectation, with these force majeure factors, will reduce the success rate of defense by half."

"A powerful warrior? A master of the Nine Tribulations Realm!?"

Chen Si and others looked startled, and at this time they also thought of this serious problem.

"Yes, it is said that the Great Yan Dynasty has ten masters of the Nine Tribulations Realm and Triple Level."

Kong Ming solemnly said, "If all were dispatched, we would be very dangerous even if there were powerful killers like artillery."

The masters of the Nine Tribulations Realm are so powerful, there is nothing wrong with them.

Especially in the face of these ordinary soldiers, it is even more comfortable.

If all of them are dispatched, the possibility of breaking into the city is not low.

Thinking of this, Chen Si's expressions suddenly became serious.

"Don't worry about this, we also have masters in the Nine Tribulations Realm."

Yang Zilei's voice suddenly sounded.

"We have it too?"

Upon hearing this, Kong Ming and the others were startled and looked at Yang Zilei in surprise.

As Yang Zilei's followers, how could they not know the strength of the city?

Apart from Yang Zilei, who else can reach the cultivation base of the Nine Tribulations Realm?

"It's them."

An arc of Yang Zilei's mouth appeared, and with a wave of his palm, a huge beast shadow suddenly appeared in the hall as the light surged.

This is exactly the rune puppet stone beast that Yang Zilei got when he entered the ancient tomb mansion.

"This is... Fu Puppet!?"

Staring at the rune puppet stone beast in front of him, Kong Ming and others looked astonished.

"Well, it has the same strength, and both possess the triple power of the Nine Tribulations Realm."

Yang Zilei smiled indifferently, and took out a hundred spirit spars from the storage ring.

The palm of his hand sucked, directly drew out the energy of a hundred spirit spar, and instantly penetrated into the body of that rune puppet stone beast.


Suddenly, the empty eyes of the talisman puppet stone beast suddenly lit up with scarlet light.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying energy fluctuation also radiated from the rune puppet stone beast, filling the entire hall.

Feeling this tyrannical breath, everyone's hearts trembled.

But then, Yang Zilei's words made them even more breathless.

"This kind of rune puppet stone beast, there are seven more, and the strength is comparable."

Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

Seven more? Wouldn't it be that there are eight talisman puppets in total!

My good boy.

Eight rune stone beasts with strength equivalent to the three-tier powerhouse of the Nine Tribulations Realm, these powers have the conditions to compete with the Great Yan Dynasty!

In this way, as everyone discussed countermeasures in the government hall, just like the general headquarters, each order was communicated, and various departments quickly implemented it.

At the back of the city, the Xuanling Iron Vein Mining Department also received an order: "The life of the city lord, you must mine the spirit mine as fast as possible, no need to hide it!"

Now that the three major dynasties have begun to dispatch troops and generals, the excavation process here naturally does not need to be concealed as before.

With large-scale crazy mining, this Xuanling iron vein is different from other common metal veins such as copper and iron, and it is relatively more difficult to dig.

Because Xuan Ling Iron is very hard.

The more advanced the metal, the more difficult it is to dig, especially if it contains aura.

That level of hardness far exceeds that of ordinary metals.

Under normal circumstances, miners with weak repair bases and low strength cannot mine at all.

Therefore, the miners are carefully selected martial artists, and according to the regulations, they must at least have the cultivation base of the spiritual vein.

"Qiang! Qiang!!"



The harsh sound of excavation continued to be heard from the pit, and a large number of miners joined hands in mining.

Even if everyone's speed is not fast, but thousands of warriors gather, every moment there will be a large amount of Xuanling iron blanks, packed in a big bag and transported up.

It has been more than a month since mining, and nearly two million catties of profound spirit iron have been mined from it.

However, even so, only a small part of the Xuanling iron ore vein was excavated.

One can imagine how huge and terrifying the profound spirit iron content in this vein is!

Yang Zilei believes that his martial arts cultivation talent is clumsy, and this profound spirit iron ore vein is the foundation for him to reach the peak of martial arts.

No matter who it is, if you dare to grab the mineral vein, you must follow him to the end!

After this period of planning, the entire Hualong City has become a huge military city.

All kinds of arms and weapons were all transported to the tower, waiting for the war to break out!

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