Night fell.

The Yan Army indeed dispatched an air cavalry, about tens of thousands of them, all riding low-level fierce beasts such as eagle eagles.

Under the cover of night, the air cavalry bypassed the sky above the mountains, thinking that they were foolproof, and came to the ore vein area behind Hualong City.

Because this air cavalry was only a feint, it was not equipped with munitions or guns, and it was armed with long-range weapons such as crossbows.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo...!!!"

When they arrived here, tens of thousands of air cavalry flew high in the sky, and then started shooting.

The dense arrows immediately alluded to the people below.

However, in this attack, those figures still stood motionless, even though their bodies were like hedgehogs filled with arrows, they did not respond.

Even... he didn't even scream at all.

This weird scene undoubtedly surprised the leader of the Dekong Cavalry Army.

Because they were at high altitude at this time, and it was night, they couldn't see clearly.

"Lower by five hundred meters."

When the air cavalry leader was surprised, he waved his hand and immediately gave the order.

"This is... grass man?!"

When descending to a low altitude, the air cavalry leader's pupils shrank slightly.

Because he found that the large number of people standing still on the ground were dummies made of weeds!

"Oops, we got it!"

The air cavalry leader exclaimed, feeling bad.


However, at this moment, the word ‘withdraw’ behind him had not been uttered, and a large number of dragon blood warriors suddenly appeared in the secret passages of the surrounding walls.

But seeing that most of them were holding Gatling machine guns or carrying bazookas on their shoulders, there were a lot of mortars.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the deafening shots and cannons resounded across the night sky.

Ten cannons fired at the same time!

In the low-altitude area, these tens of thousands of air cavalry have undoubtedly become targets.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!!!"


Under this violent fire, screams of screams continued to sound one after another.

There was also the roar of those flying beasts.

At the same moment.

Yang Zilei stood on the tower and looked at the night sky filled with fire with a sniper rifle.

There was a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, Yang Zilei turned his eyes to the front, and the hundreds of thousands of enemy troops had already begun to come in densely.

"According to the original plan, ninety cannons are prepared. Let's give our guests an unforgettable greeting."

Yang Zilei ordered.

Li Hu, the leader of the city defense army, also had a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Yes, boss."

After a while, a large army of soldiers approached the city, feeling like a sea of ​​people.


Tens of thousands of stormtroopers rushed forward, holding shields.

In the back, a large number of soldiers armed with weapons rushed towards the city gate.

Their roar, like thunder, sounded outside the city, full of momentum!

In the army, some soldiers moved forward quickly pushing a huge ladder.

These soldiers pushing the ladder are most frightened.

Because every time they attacked the city in the past, the ladder has always been locked as the main target of attack, and the bow and arrow shot from the wall is what threatens their lives.

However, what surprised them was how to travel such a long distance and still no arrows came.


Li Hu shouted angrily.

The ninety cannons lined up on the tower have all synthesized beast cores, and the beast patterns on the cannons emit brilliant light almost simultaneously.

Boom boom boom...! ! ! !

In an instant, all the cannons made a terrible roar at the same time.

A series of huge shells, with terrifying energy fluctuations, bombarded the enemy camp one after another.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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