
After one of the flaming red shells fell to the ground, dozens of soldiers in that area were instantly blown to pieces.

However, as soon as the cannonball exploded, the flames bloomed instantly, forming a terrifying circle of flames, which expanded violently and violently.

In that situation, it was like a rock falling into the water, and the ripples that rippled, immediately oscillated in all directions.

All the soldiers who were affected by this ring of fire were immediately charred in the screams, and the whole person was directly burned alive.

This is the cannon that has synthesized the core of the beast of the fire element, possessing the skill of the "scorching fire ring"!

In just one shot, dozens of people were killed in an instant!

And there are thirty cannons that have synthesized the beast core of the fire system.

Nearly a thousand people died in this wave of fire.

As for the cannonballs with icy blue light, as they fell and exploded, the soldiers in this area, who were covered by frost, were immediately frozen, and immediately shattered!

Obviously, this is a cannon shell fired by a cannon with an ice-based beast core.

As for the khaki shells, after falling to the ground.

It suddenly burst open, turned into thousands of sharp soil thorns, and shot in all directions.

"Puff puff--!!"

The bodies of many soldiers were pierced instantly, with blood flowing.

Under the bombardment of this artillery, a scream sounded around.

There is no doubt that it is an artillery that has strengthened the earth-type beast core, and has the talented skill "Earth-Splitting Arrow Rain"!


The beast core energy of different attributes, after being synthesized and strengthened, also causes the cannon to show different powers!

These ninety cannons killed more than 3,000 people in the first wave.

This does not include the huge number of injuries.

"What kind of weapon is this, it's terrible!"

The enemy camp, the voice of fear sounded.

However, shortly afterwards, the cannon loaded with shells lighted up again.

"Boom!" "Boom!"


Under the operation of many soldiers, ninety cannons fired out almost simultaneously.

The enemy troops under the city were either burned to death by flames, or electrocuted by thunder, or pierced to death by soil, or frozen to death under the bombardment of shells...

Ninety cannons were aimed at the enemy's two stormtroopers, and hundreds of ladders that kept approaching, bombarded wildly.

In addition, heavy machine guns were also erected on the depressions on the tower.

"Boom, boom, boom...!!!"

The tongue of flames gushed, and the dense bullets were like a rain of arrows. In the loud gunshots, a large number of figures surged downwards.

The roar of the cannon, the screaming of the soldiers, and the howling of the Gatling machine gun sounded one after another.

These sounds are intertwined and swept across the world like a huge tsunami. For these soldiers of the Yan Army who siege, it is undoubtedly a doom!


In the back camp of the Yan Army, the five Nine Tribulations Realm experts looked deep into the front.

Because it is dark, my vision is unclear.

In addition, they did not go into battle in person, so they could only wait for the military situation here.

Soon, the adjutant rushed to this place riding a steed and whip quickly.

"Adjutant Liu, how about it? Has the city broken."

"A small Hualong City can be defeated until now, so it's a bit capable."

Two of the generals immediately smiled and asked when they saw the adjutant coming.

In their opinion, the Yan Army, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, captured Hualong City, it was just an easy task.

The headed bald coach also showed a strategizing smile on his face, his eyes full of playfulness.


Adjutant Liu hurriedly shook his head, and said in a panic: "On the towers of Hualong City, there are nearly a hundred terrible killers, which are fierce and comparable to the destructive power of Tier 6 beasts!

"In just half an hour, our army suffered heavy losses, and there have been nearly 100,000 casualties."

Hearing this, the smiles of the five generals suddenly froze.

"Did Yang Zilei see through our strategy? Didn't transfer the main force away?!"

The bald coach frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Then what about the air cavalry who pretended to attack in the vein area?"

The adjutant replied with a bitter face: "Our air cavalry was in an ambush. With 50,000 soldiers and horses, only a few thousand people fled back."


Hearing this number, the bald head coach and the four generals changed drastically, almost in unanimous exclamation, and their faces were full of shock.

The fifty thousand troops were wiped out all at once and only a few thousand remained.

Such a tragic record, in previous wars, the Great Yan Dynasty can be said to be unprecedented!

Because the air cavalry has the advantage of being able to fly, flexible and changeable, even if it is found to be bad, it can quickly escape.

No matter how bad it is, at most some casualties will be lost.

But now, it has been weakened by nearly 90% of its troops!

This is simply scary!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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